Friends and Personality

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It never takes me long to get dressed, but I felt the urge to take a shower so I readied the water. Enough of just me though, I guess I'll talk about me, my friends and our personalities. I guess I should start with Sean, Sean Casen to be exact, as said before he's tall (6'5"), but the first thing anyone ever notices is that god awful red hair. His personality is the second thing people notice and surprisingly question, and that is how calm he always is. The calmness he holds, though it took years, was gained through pain and suffering. What caused that suffering, me of course. My parents were killed when I was five, on the same day this city died to me, and I gave him hell for the next nine years. Even with all that pain i gave him I've regretted all of it, because he's always been like an older brother to me. At the age of fourteen I moved out not wanting to cause him any more unnecessary pain. Although Sean being stubborn to my way of helping him, has and is still fulfilling that promise he made to my parents. In doing that he has proven resilient and kept watch over me these past two years.

"Ah... Warm water," I said stepping into the shower.

"Hey shithead," I heard a sarcastic tone say outside the bathroom door, "Hurry up or you're going to walk to RCU."

I quickly replied, "Lance shut the hell up and go practice that formula, of yours, for unlimited energy."

"Fine...," Lance moaned, "Even if it isn't finished."

Heh Lance Wilson, his i.q. alone is almost two-hundred. he can do math so fast that he gave up on teachers teaching him, and started teaching the teachers. Even if he is a genius on paper he's sarcastic as hell in real life. Lance is also the only one of all my associates that knows how to drive, because the rest of us are either too poor or do not want to take a helicopter to get there. Me personally, well I'm just too lazy to get off my butt and walk the fifty miles.

Bang! Clad! Thud! "What are you doing in there!" I quickly snapped.

"Fixin' something to eat... Wait a minute, it's 8:00 hurry up in there," Lance murmurs before quickly snapping.

"Shut up! You don't even have to be there 'til 10," I yell angrily.

That's another thing about Lance too, he's incredibly impatient (or punctual depending on your preference). All and all though I should lighten up on him, because after all he will be one of my professors at RCU. Although, with all the trouble I give him it surprises me that he still funds my expenses. I mean, he is very wealthy and has made a couple billion in the past three years. The reason he is kept watch over his friends is unknown, but I feel that he does it out of obligation.

I quickly dried off, fearing what Lance might do to my kitchenette. Stumbling into the single room of my apartment while buttoning my shirt I saw nothing has happened. I also noticed a lack of Lance, in the room, as well. So thinking he kept his promise this 'time' and left me. I threw on my shoes and ran outside. As soon as I opened the door I slammed into Lance and noticed he was talking to William. All the while I've known William the shortest amount of time, and yet we act like we have known each other for years.

William was average height with blonde hair, and had mesmerising amber/blue eyes. All the while William has always made a good sparring partner. And, yet I've always seemed easily bored when he comes around though, and I generally regretted it most of the time. William deserves better, but sometimes my boredom can be beneficial.

William seemed fidgety today and that was odd for him, so I politely asked, "Hey, Will what's wrong?"

"Huh, oh well... I.. it's that you're going to RCU today and well, you know," William somberly replied back.

I quickly realized what he was getting at and nonchalantly responded, "Oh yeah, your brother goes there, doesn't he... that completely slipped my mind (small snicker)."

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