The Recording

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As I saw the grizzly sight, I held back the urge to puke. Deep inside, I hoped that this was just going to give me another clue to where William was. But, I soon learned that was not the case.

Assorted all around the inside were various organs hanging on chains. At the center of the room was what looked like the small intestines. This was stretched out, and formatted into the shape of a pentagram.

Taking a closer look at the scene, careful not to step on the entrails. I soon found that there was a camera located in the center of the pentagram. I picked it up only to realize that it had a note stuck to the viewing window. Reading the note, I found out the cold hard truth to what I was seeing. It read as followed: "Did I not say that you were to late, you must be hard of hearing after our little squabble. It is what it is, but fear not... I've recorded the entire thing for you to watch. Enjoy."

I turned on the camcorder, to get a better understanding of what happened. I had failed, and I needed to know how I could have stopped it. There was also no turning back now after coming this far.

When the camera finally booted up, there was only one video on it. This indicated to me that this was either a new camcorder, or that all previous content was deleted off of it. I went with the latter, because it would be traceable if it was new.

After coming to my conclusion, I played the video, and now I wished I had not. The video started off with an unfamiliar voice in the background asking, "Is it on?"

Another voice that I had never heard soon replied back, "Yeah, but keep it down or he'll notice."

In view of the two recording, was none other than William. He was walking as though nothing was wrong, but he was soon surrounded by vans. He took off without hesitation, because he had been there when I hacked into the CCTV footage. So he knew for himself what was going on. Like any other citizen in this city he made for the nearest alleyway.

But this was pointless, because the people that were chasing him knew what he was trying to do. They followed him religiously, as if they were going to be rewarded when they caught him. If the reward was death, then I surely gave them what they wanted. William knew the allies almost as good as I did, so he was speedy with each of his turns.

One of the chasers screamed out, "Hey come on, it's not like we're going to kill you... yet!"

William making sure not to slow down, hollered back, "Why do you think I'm running, you idiot! Don't take me for a dunce!"

This made the chase grow in its intensity, because none of The Enlightened liked his comment. As they grew closer and closer, he began to show his tenacity. This was because he was a master when it came to boxing. If it had been a one on one, he would have escaped no problem.

While watching his feriousity in fighting, I said aloud, "I think I'm going to take lessons under his brother."

Sean and Lance while sad, could not help but laugh over the comms as I continued to watch in awe. With a flurry of alternating jabs, William was knocking out members of The Enlightened. He was doing all this like it was child's play.

As he approached another corner, he cut it like a wide receiver. This gave him an even bigger lead than before, but this too was short lived. At the end of the alleyway, a suburban blocked his path. Like a runner in track though, he increased his pace leaping over the obstacle.

Seeing his tenacity, a new found respect washed over me. Although this respect appeared in me, the tears that I was fighting came out. I began to ball watching the video, because I knew the outcome. The next scene crushed my spirit even further than what it was. William pulled out his phone as if to call me, but was nudged by a car in the street.

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