Corporate Loophole

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The next day, I began to rummage through my clothing. This was not because I only had one suit, but that I always wore a specific type of attire that the executives hated. They always told me something along the lines, "Mr. Delta, sir, that outfit you are wearing is not appropriate for the work environment."

Me being me of course, I always replied with something like, "And I care why?"

After about twenty minutes, I decided to call Sean. As soon as he picked up, I quickly asked, "Where are my speedo chaps?"

He responded with embarrassment in his voice, "I threw them out, it was always really awkward going with you to the office."

"Uh huh," I responded annoyed, "And how does this help me any?"

"Ryan," he said making sure to enunciate, "just put on a suit. It will make our trip go smoother."

With a sigh, I begrudgingly agreed with him. With that nonsense out of the way, I told myself to buy another pair of speedo chaps sometime later. I then turned to my suits and pulled out my favorite charcoal, Tom Ford, Windsor Base Sharkskin Three-Piece Suit. By the time I got out of my closet there was annoying banging at my door. When I heard this, I yelled out, "Lance, no. I am not letting you in. I'm going to take my shower, and you are not messing up my kitchenette."

The reply that came back, I found hilarious, "And if I don't, what are you gonna do about it then?"

I could not help but accept his challenge, so I let him in and began to take my shower. Not even five minutes in the wash, I heard this unbearable banging coming from outside the bathroom. When I got out, it was not Lance in the kitchen area but William. So without a second thought, I went back into the bathroom and carefully put my suit on. This was the first time I ever had to put clothes on carefully, but in the past I did not have super strength that easily tore through the weakest materials.

As soon as I got out of the bathroom again, this time with intent to put on my Dalton Wingtip Dress Boots. It was after this that Lance became impatient, he showed this by spouting out, "You ready to go now; I have a class in the afternoon."

"Yeah, I'm ready," I said as I slicked back my hair before we walked out the door to head toward the vehicle, "But I wished you'd learn a little patience."

Soon after that, we arrived at a skyscraper, two hundred and fifty meters high, with a giant triangle on the front of it. This was to represent the fourth greek letter, delta, but I would rather have my name plastered on all my towers like the mayor. Alas, I did not make the decision, my parents did, and so I respect it. As I made my way into the lobby, the receptionist did not recognize me, I was then asked, "Hello sir, do you have an appointment with someone?"

I could not recognize if the receptionist was new, but I decided to mess with her anyways, "Uh, yeah I have an appointment with myself on the seventy-fifth floor."

Her look was that of confusion, and she proceeded to call security on me, saying, "Uh, yes, security we have a crazy person in the building. Please send someone to escort him out please."

When security arrived, I laughed when they backed off in fear and said to them, "Yeah that's right, run. You remember what happened last time you guys tried to kick me out of my building, don't you?"

When the receptionist saw this, I proceeded to tell her, "Just be glad I like your spunk, because that was a fireable offense. Oh, and by the way, look behind you."

When she did this, she saw a giant picture of me on the wall. At the sight of it, she quickly spun back around and began to apologize profusely. I laughed all the way to the elevator, as I made my way to the fiftieth floor. When I finally reached the fiftieth floor, I was rocked to the core with boredom. I stepped off the elevator and as soon as I spotted an executive, I said to him, "Yeah we really need to fix the elevator music to something more worth listening to. Also, if I catch you flirting with the employees again, I will feed you your nuts on a platter. Because I believe the government calls it sexual harassment, and there will be none of that in my building."

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