Crock Pot Luck

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Erin walked with Riley and Ella, questioning them about what had happened.

They tried to explain quickly, knowing full well she wouldn't be the only person to ask tonight.

The evening was nice and warm, casting a golden glow on the island.

Ella had changed into a light, summer dress. Luckily it had sleeves so her bandage didn't stick out like a sore thumb.

Riley was snapping out of his groggy phase, gaining back his energy as they got closer to the mass of people and music.

He'd always complain about the events on Crocket, but Ella secretly thought he really enjoyed them.

Familiar faces came to greet them as they got closer and entered the town square, lined with banners and a big sign that the school had painted, reading "The Crock-Potlock!"

Ella personally enjoyed all the towns events. Her favourite, besides the swimming race in the summer, was Christmas, when everyone gathered around the church, religious or not, and would all sing Christmas carols together. Then they'd all go in and enjoy a feast, the entire town would even do secret Santa. It was always such a joyous time, filling everyone with a good warm feeling.

The potluck wasn't so bad. A way to kick off Easter.

Ella parted with her friends, going to find Dolly who had set up the stage for her. A band was already playing when she arrived, giving her a small wave and pointing towards Dolly, who was speaking to a few people.

"Oh they you are! My don't you look lovely?" She said with a nice smile.

"Thanks mrs Scarborough, you look great to! Is the potluck going well?" Ella asked.

"Well it is now. Wind kind of blew the place around a bit. Wade and I have been running all over the place trying to get it perfect," She explained with a sigh.

"We appreciate it. You guys are very dedicated to these thing," Ella told her.

"Thank you. More this year than ever. We're trying to welcome Father Paul in a good way, making him feel at home."

"I'm sure he's very impressed," Ella nodded.

"Indeed I am!" A friendly voice said from behind her.

Ella turned to see the Father, dressed in a black shirt and jeans and his clerical collar. His hair wasn't as neat anymore, it was fluffed up a framed his face gently. He had a big friendly smile, and was peering at her through his intelligence dark eyes.

"Oh good I'm glad. Have you had anything to eat?" Dolly asked.

"Oh no I-I've been just speaking to people. Trying to get to know the community, you know?" He replied.

Dolly smiled and nodded. "We'll come, come. Let's go get some food."

"Care to join us?" He asked Ella with a smile.

"I would love to, but I'll be on in a few minutes," she replied gesturing with her thumb at the stage.

"Oh right of course! The Monsignor told me all about your songs! I'll be sure to get a good look for myself," He laughed.

Ella let out a nervous laugh. Suddenly she did feel more anxious about playing in front of him.

"Thanks, well enjoy your food!" She replied, giving him a small wave before walking up to the stage.

"Hey Ella, mic's good to go, stereos all set up as well. Knock em dead," Micky, the man singing before told her.

"Thanks Mic," she said, walking up to the mic.

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