Behind the Scenes

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!Trigger warning! This story contains suicide. It's only backstory, so please feel free to skip if that will upset you.

Thank you @SaphiraRain for the amazing photo above!


1995. 15 years ago. Crocket island school.

"Where were you Flynn?!" Mrs Greene barked at Riley, stumbling in the doors and taking off his coat.

"He's not that late," Ella tried to defend her friend.

"He's 30 minutes late to our last dress rehearsal. Riley Flynn if you don't know your lines tonight, so help me God, the failure of this play is on you!" Mrs Greene shouted before storming off to the auditorium.

"She's in a bad mood tonight!" Riley sighed, running his hand through his messy golden blond hair.

Ella nodded. "Yeah she wants this Beauty and the Beast to be perfect. She's been freaking out at me all night for not getting into costume," Ella rolled her eyes.

"I thought the dress was too big?" Riley remarked, as they walked back to the auditorium.

"It is! Erin's trying to fix it now, but with her mom breathing down her neck it's getting pretty difficult for her," Ella replied.

"Not Loud enough!"

The walked in on Mrs Greene screaming her head off at the sound booth.


They turned around and found Erin running at them, a golden yellow gown in her hands. Her frizzy brown hair bouncing with each step.

"Thank you," Ella replied taking the silk gown in her hands and walking off to get changed.

"I can't promise it's perfect but it's a start. Now Riley, I've got the beasts head just right...but it'll be hard to breath in," Erin was telling him as Ella left.

She turned the corner and abruptly smacked into something.

Or rather someone.

"Watch where you're going, Marin," they snarked.

Ella looked up, her head aching from the collision, and saw Bev Keane looking down at her.

"Bev? When we're you in the play?" She asked.

"I'm not. I've been asked to...sell tickets," she replied, clasping her hands in front of herself and pursing her lips.

"Okay...we'll see you around I guess," Ella shrugged walking back to the change room.

She hadn't spoken to Beverly often, she barely knew her. She was just the quiet kid in the front of the class everyday. Although from what she'd observed, Bev wasn't a silent quiet. She was a typical Catholic girl, answering all the questions, volunteering all the time, Mrs Greene loved her. There was just always something off about her.

Ella got changed into the golden silk gown, and admired herself in the mirror. She'd never gotten to wear dresses like this before. Ever since third grade she'd asked her parents for big poofy dresses like this, but they never paid her any attention.


Ella jolted at the shout and quickly ran out into stage.

"Finally! Get on with it then!" Mrs Greene snapped, sitting proudly in her director chair.

Riley stood shyly in his beast outfit.

They were scheduled to do the dance scene, Erin came out in her mrs Pots outfit.

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