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Ella had been able to pick up her bearings. Her mind had shattered on her, everything felt like it was falling apart. But she knew she'd need to keep going. She knew she needed to get out of the basement and she had a plan.

It always helped her to think of a plan. She came to terms with the reality of the situation. She was trapped in a basement, locked in by Bev, who was planning along with John to bring some sort of chaos on the island. And she was the only one who seemed to know. And right now? Right now she didn't know. So she was going to do something about that.

She pulled herself off the ground, her broken leg sending burst of a blinding pain, enough to make her eyes sting with tears. But she kept rising, until she was properly on one of her feet. She needed to know. She was tired of the smoke and mirrors, tired of the puzzle pieces not fitting. Just like that day, when she decided to be a detective when she was older, she needed the pieces to fit. It was time to fight back.

Ella hobbled towards the stairs, dreading the climb. She'd have to pull her aching leg up behind her, and try not to lose her balance.

The staircase was thin, and wooden. She could just barley fit her shoulders through, it was so small.

Her leg was screaming, pleading with her to rethink but she wasn't going to listen. She was going to fight.

Her plan was awful, but it was the only think she could come up with. It was risky. If she fell again, there was a high possibility she'd break her other leg or something else, making it nearly impossible for her to ever leave. But it was all she had.

Ella reached the top, and braced her self. She put all her aching muscles into her next move, and rammed her entire body into the door. It didn't budge, but she knew it wouldn't. Opening it wasn't her plan.

She quickly picked up the pace, rammed it over and over again making as much noise as possible.

She'd been completely silent the entire time she was down here and she was absolutely finished.

The last one she made count, feeling her knee begin to shake, knowing she wasn't going to last much longer.

She rammed it a final time, hearing something on the other side snap. The impact knocked her back, and she felt the rush of fear rise as her body tipped backwards, but her hands acted quicker, and she was able to catch herself on the wall.

The door burst open, a confused Bev looking back down at her.

Now was her chance.

Gathering all her courage and strength she charged, knocking Bev to the floor, and fumbled to get up.

Her leg was in agony. It was angry, very angry, and it showed that by causing an unavoidable pain.

Ella raced to the front door, she was indeed in Bev's house, one that wasn't a cabin nor a shack, it might've been the nicest house on the island. Figures though. All that money from the settlements made her rich.

Ella pulled herself along the wall till she reached the door. Just before she could launch herself at it, Bev caught her heel.

"Get back here Marin! You insufferable witch! I am doing this for your own good! For Pruitt's own good! God has spoken through him and he has shown me the true way and I am here to help!" Bev yelled pulling Ella back.

Ella shook her off, letting her stand and dust herself off.

Bev stared at her. "God has told me all I needed to know. I am finally, truly one that he sees. He knows me. Just as I know him. And he has asked me to do his work."

Ella glared back at her. "God has never told you a damn thing. I know that. I'm leaving, Bev. Because that's all I know I can do right now. But don't worry, I'll see you at Easter."

Bev huffed. "Anything else you need to say? Or are you just going to run in fear of Gods work. Run as they all do? You were never worthy, Ella. And Pruitt has seen that to. You are nothing. Nothing but a coward."

"That would still make me something. Nothing comes from nothing, Bev. That's what I've learned from Him. And nobody is nothing."

"Fine, run. Turn your back on those here who will be disappointed you didn't chose the oath they've always wanted you to. You meant a lot to some people here, Ella. And now they all get to see you for who you are. So run. Is there anything left for you to say?"

Ella stopped at the doorway. A smile forming on her lips for the first time in a while. A smile that for once, in a long time, ignited that spark deep inside her soul. The spark that was made of her. It was all fueled up and ready to burst into flames. He was right. Not yet. But that was then, and this is now. Now is the yet. Her soul may have shattered, been broken away into bits and pieces from the hurt. But He was right. She was still there. And she was happy to be back.

"Yeah," she stated, turning back to Bev, "I have a message from Joe."

Ella raised her fists and punched her square across her smug face, knocking her head to the side.

"Fuck you."

And then she ran.

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