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(Art above is from I used a template created by @Niseo.)


I looked back into Ella's forest green eyes. How they drew me in so deep, I'll never know. As a priest, falling in love isn't important. The only love you need is God's. Still, I did think about it. Not often, mind you. But it was the least of my duties. I've had a few opportunities in the past. More than you would think a priest would get. But they never intrigued me. Recently however, I've found myself growing lonely, out in this little rectory. I have Bev, but she doesn't always make for great company. No. I realized, it was Ella I wanted in my company and in my time. However I made a mistake last night, letting myself fall in too deep in her eyes. Well, I wouldn't call it a mistake. I don't regret it. The only thing I want is to taste her lips again. But I must not let myself be distracted. I need to stay far away from her. This is a critical time for all of Crocket. But truth be told, I'm scared. Scared she'll find out, before I can explain myself. I don't want to lose her, or have her run away. Once she has been saved, we will be able to love freely. But if she finds out before...well I can't afford to let her go.

Not yet.


Ella dressed for church that day in a turtle neck dress and beige trench coat. She reached into the pocket of the coat, and felt something. She pulled it out to see a little jar, filled with yellow flower petals tied around a string.

This was moms she thought with a sigh of astonishment. She'd forgot all about it. Her mother used to wear it all the time when she was little. She would tell her, it was a rare flower that was said to glow like the sun at night.

She decided to put it on. For one, it was pretty, it had a hazy golden glow to it, making her feel warm, and two, she wanted a piece of her mother with her. She's felt a little sad, living on the island again, in the same house, but her parents not being here. A little token of her around her neck felt nice. A little piece of the past.

She heard Erin knock on her door and left her room to greet her.

Together they walked down to the church. Erin complaining about how bad the morning sickness was today.

"It's a rip off. I still have to go to work while pregnant. With a bunch of teenagers, obsessing over a different thing every week. Ugh and the smell in the mornings. After they leave I need to throw up again. It's made me have a deep loathing for seafood."

Erin kept rambling as they walked up to the church. Ella had to be honest, she wasn't really paying attention. She was trying to keep her heart from beating out of her chest. She was seeing Father Paul after what had happened and she didn't know how to feel about it. On one hand, she did seem to have feelings for him that way. On the other though, he was a priest. Their relationship would be frowned upon. Especially by Bev.

Ugh Bev. She's gonna kill me and him if she found out. "You're being corrupted don't you see Father? By this lying, dishonourable, slut. She doesn't want you, she's wants your power." Bev is a lot of things. A devout Catholic to some, a sweet innocent lady to others, but she's always been a master manipulator. That's hidden in plain sight.

"You alright? You seem distracted," Erin asked, snapping Ella out of her thoughts.

"Yeah," Ella sighed, "sorry. I'm just dreading seeing Bev today."

Erin nodded. "Oh please don't get me started on her."

"I still see her face from that day in highschool, Erin. That painless, guiltless expression," Ella replied.

Erin was silent for a moment. "Me too," was all she had to say.

They walked in silence the rest of the way to the church.

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