The Doctor's Daughter pt. 2

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  We had moved over to a holographic map. "Does this show the entire city, including the Hath zones?" the Doctor asked. "Yes. Why?" Cobbs answered. "Well, it'll help us find Martha." I responded. The Doctor nodded in agreement. "We've more important things to do. The progenation machines are powered down for the night shift, but soon as they're active, we could breed a whole platoon from you three." Cline said. "I'm not having sons and daughters by some great big flipping machine. Sorry, no offence, but you're not. Well, I mean, you're not real." Donna said. "You're no better than him or her. I have a body, I have a mind, I have independent thought. How am I not real? What makes you better than me?" Jenny asked us.

"Well said, soldier. We need more like you, if ever we're to find the Source." Cobbs said. "Ooo, the Source." I grinned "What's that, then? What's a Source? I like a Source. What is it?" the Doctor questioned. "The Breath of Life." Cline answered
"And that would be?" the Doctor asked. "In the beginning, the great one breathed life into the universe. And then she looked at what she'd done, and she sighed." Jenny smirked. "She. I like that." I giggled at her response. "Right. So it's a creation myth." the Doctor said. "It's not myth. It's real. That sigh. From the beginning of time it was caught and kept as the Source. It was lost when the war started. But it's here, somewhere. Whoever holds the Source controls the destiny of the planet." Cline informed.

The Doctor made the holographic map buzz. "Ah! I thought so. There's a suppressed layer of information in this map. If I can just-" He used his sonic screwdriver on it, more tunnels and chambers showed up. He looked back at me and gave me a childish smile. "What is it, what's it mean?" Donna asked. The Doctor looked over to Donna. "See? A whole complex of tunnels hidden from sight." he pointed to the tunnels on the map.

"Tell them to prepare to move out. We'll progenate new soldiers on the morning shift, then we march. Once we reach the Temple, peace will be restored at long last." Cobbs ordered. "Er, call me old-fashioned, but if you really wanted peace, couldn't you just stop fighting?" the Doctor intervened. "Only when we have the Source. It'll give us the power to erase every stinking Hath from the face of this planet." I rolled my eyes at Cobbs statement. "Hang on, hang on. A second ago it was peace in our time." the Doctor began. "Now you're talking about genocide." I finished. "For us, that means the same thing." Cobbs looked at the both of us. "Then you need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there, and the caption will read, over my dead body." the Doctor furrowed his eyebrows.

"And you're the one who showed us the path to victory. But you can consider the irony from your prison cell. Cline, at arms." Cline and his soldiers held us at gun point. "Oi, oi, oi. All right. Cool the beans, Rambo." Donna yelled. "Take them. I won't have them spreading treason. And if you try anything, Doctor, I'll see that your woman dies first." Cobbs said gesturing to me. "Did he just threaten to kill me first?" I scoffed. "I don't know if I should be flattered or not." The Doctor stepped in-front of me. "Don't you dare touch her. I'm going to stop you, Cobb. You need to know that." the Doctor warned. "I have an army and the Breath of God on my side, Doctor. What'll you have?" Cobbs scoffed. "This." the Doctor said pointing to his head. "Oh yeah bright idea, dumbo." Donna said.

"Lock them up and guard them." Cobbs ordered. Cline turned to Cobbs as the other soldiers locked me, Jenny, the Doctor, and Donna inside a cell. "What about the new soldier?" he asked. "Can't trust her. She's from pacifist stock. Take them all." Cobbs said as he left.

I sat up against the wall. "More numbers. They've got to mean something." Donna observed. "Makes as much sense as the Breath of Life story." the Doctor said. "You mean that's not true?" Jenny questioned. She was pacing around the room. "No, it's a myth. Isn't it, Doctor?" Donna looked over at the Doctor. "Yes, but there could still be something real in that temple. Something that's become a myth. A piece of technology, a weapon." the Doctor explained. "So the Source could be a weapon and we've just given directions to Captain Nutjob?" she put her hands on her waist. "Oh, yes." the Doctor looked over at me. "Not good, is it?" I asked. "That's why we need to get out of here, find Martha and stop Cobb from slaughtering the Hath." he turned to Jenny. "What, what are you, what are you, what are you staring at?"

"You keep insisting you're not a soldier, but look at you, drawing up strategies like a proper general." Jenny chuckled. "No, no. I'm trying to stop the fighting." he walked up to her. "Isn't every soldier?" she questioned. "Well, I suppose, but that's, that's. Technically, I haven't got time for this. Donna, give me your phone." he grabbed Donna's phone from her hand. "Time for an upgrade." Jenny put her hand on her waist. "And now you've got a weapon." I giggled at their banter. "It's not a weapon." he defended. "But you're using it to fight back. I'm going to learn so much from you. You are such a soldier." he looked to me and Donna for help. "Donna, Juno, will you tell her?" I laughed. "Oh, you are speechless. I'm loving this. You keep on, Jenny."

The Doctor sonic'd Donna's phone and called Martha. "Martha, you're alive!" he exclaimed. "I'm with Juno and Donna." he looked back at us. "We're fine. What about you?" I perked up, "And, and Jenny. She's fine too." The Doctor grouched and mumbled, "Yes, all right. And, and Jenny. That's the woman from the machine. The soldier. My daughter, except she isn't, she's, she's. Anyway. where are you?" he paused for a moment as Martha spoke. "Oh, that was me. If both armies are heading that way, there's going to be a bloodbath." he looked up us. "Just stay where you are. If you're safe there, don't move, do you hear?" he said. I heard the phone beep indicating that she hung up.

"They're getting ready to move out. We have to get past that guard." the Doctor said moving towards the bars. "I can deal with him." Jenny said standing beside him. "No, no, no, no. You're not going anywhere." He turned to her. "What?" She questioned. "You belong here with them." he pointed out to the soldiers. "She belongs with us. With you. She's your daughter." Donna reasoned. "She's a soldier. She came out of that machine." Donna rolled her eyes. "Oh yes, I know that bit." I looked up. "Hey, have you got that stethoscope?" I asked the Doctor. He gave it to me. "What are you doing?" Jenny asked as I walked towards her. "It's all right. Just hold still." I reassured her. And not to my surprise, she had two heart beats. "Come here. Listen, and then tell me where she belongs." I told him. He came up and listened to her chest.

"Two hearts." he said. "Exactly." I said with a smirk. "What's going on?" Jenny asked. "Does that mean she's a, what do you call a female Time Lord?" Donna questioned. "What's a Time Lord?" Jenny looked at the Doctor. He looked at my necklace before turning to Jenny "It's who I am. It's where I'm from." Jenny grinned. "And I'm from you." The Doctor rolled his eyes. "You're an echo, that's all. A Time Lord is so much more. A sum of knowledge, a code, a shared history, a shared suffering. Only it's gone now, all of it. Gone forever." I went up and held his hand. It was all still too soon.

"What happened?" Jenny said oblivious to the pain that the subject brought. "There was a war." I said. "Like this one?" Jenny asked me. "Bigger. Much bigger." the Doctor looked down. "And you fought, and killed?" Jenny looked at the Doctor. He met her gaze. "Yes."

"Then how are we different?"

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