Silence in the Library pt. 3

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   "I'm trying to call up the data core, but it's not responding. Just that noise." Dave said typing on the keyboard. "But it's a phone. " Donna said. The Doctor ran over. "Let me try something." He began to type. The screen read 'Access Denied'. "Okay, doesn't like that. Let's try something else" He typed something else before, "Okay, here it comes. Hello?" There was a girl on the screen. "Hello. Are you in my television?" she asked. "Well, no, I'm, I'm sort of in space. Er, I was trying to call up the data core of a triple grid security processor." He responded. "Would you like to speak to my Dad?" The Doctor paused. "Dad or your Mum. That'd be lovely." I responded for him with a smile.

  "I know you. You're in my library." she said. "Your library?" the Doctor asked. "The library's never been on the television before. What have you done?" she asked worried. "Er, well, I just rerouted the interface-" We lost connection. "What happened? Who was that?" River asked. 'Access denied' read across the screen as the Doctor tried to get back to where we were.  He ran to the desk. "I need another terminal. Keep working on those lights. We need those lights!" he yelled. "You heard him, people. Let there be light." The Doctor ran to the other terminal, where River left her diary. When he picked it up, she took it from him. I grinned at the action. "Sorry, you're not allowed to see inside the book. It's against the rules." she said. "What rules?"

"Your rules." she said walking over to me. "Juno, I need you to answer me something, how old are you now?" I tilted my head. "20? Why?" she smiled. "So you've just started to travel with him." She looked back at the Doctor who was looking at us. "You're the woman from the hospital." I said. "I am." she smiled at me. "So this is why you never told me your name in the car?" I asked. She chuckled, "It wasn't time for you to know who I was yet." she answered. "I'm sorry River-" I began, but she cut me off. "It's okay, don't worry. You know how it is having a relationship with two time travelers." she smirked as she walked off. "Two-" I stood there speechless.

   Books started flying off the shelves. "What's that? I didn't do that." he looked away from the screen and to Dave. "Did you do that?" Dave shrugged. "Not me."

"What's Cal?" I heard the Doctor say.

   The bombardment of books finally stops. I saw Donna go over to Evangelistsa to check on her, so I went over to the Doctor. "She knows who you are?" the Doctor asked when I got to him. "Who?" The Doctor turned to me. "River." My eyes widened. "I suppose you could say that." He squinted his eyes at me. "You said you knew her too." I opened my mouth to speak, but more books began to fall off the shelves. "What's causing that? Is it the little girl?" River asked. The Doctor turned to her. "But who is the little girl?" he sat on the desk nearby. "What's she got to do with this place? How does the data core work? What's the principle? What's Cal?"

"Ask Mister Lux." River said. "Cal, what is it?" the Doctor turned to Lux "Sorry, you didn't sign your personal experience contracts." Lux said looking at me and Donna, then back to the Doctor. "Mister Lux, " the Doctor began jumping off the desk and standing in front of Lux. "right now, you're in more danger than you've ever been in your whole life. And you're protecting a patent?"

"I'm protecting my family's pride." Lux argued.

"Well, funny thing, Mister Lux. I don't want to see everyone in this room dead because some idiot thinks his pride is more important." the Doctor gave him a glare. "Then why don't you sign his contract?" River asked. "I didn't either. I'm getting worse than you." the Doctor walked to beside Donna. "Okay, okay, okay. Let's start at the beginning. What happened here? On the actual day, a hundred years ago, what physically happened?" he asked. "There was a message from the Library. Just one. The lights are going out. Then the computer sealed the planet, and there was nothing for a hundred years." River recalled. "It's taken three generations of my family just to decode the seals and get back in." Lux added.

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