Chapter 18

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Ty and Jack were in the waiting room and noticed there were about 6 Security men and women on the main doors and all were armed keeping watch on the outside.
"Mr Borden ".
"Here". Ty put his Arm in the air and stood up so the Doctor could see him.
"Would you follow me please Mr Borden ".
Ty followed him after seeing Jack still on the phone.
"Take a seat please ,  now your wife first of all is pregnant and about 7 to 9 weeks, riding the horse was perfectly fine and safe in the circumstances, her Left Tibia is broken but it's a clean break and they did a great Job straightening and splinting it, using gravity as a natural Traction on the horse was a great Idea, so the X-ray showed everything was okay so we went ahead and put her leg in a lower Cast".
"So that's good news right".
"Yes, very good news, now as for her memory playing up,  we took a Scan of her head and that showed us a Bleed that needs an operation, if you agree please sign this form Mr Borden and we will operate immediately. There was just one bleed, and some bruising, Amy was probably suffering from a very bad Concussion".
"So will there be any long term problems ".
" Yes possibly, a concussion can cause long-term memory loss and recurring short-term memory loss, even weeks, or months, after the head trauma. It will come and go or she may not have any problems,  Just be aware that it could happen.  Would you like to see your wife".
"Yes Please Doc".
Ty went off to see Amy while Jack was back on the phone again with the hospital in Washington DC.

Amy woke up the following day after surgery.
"Amy, hey how you doin".
"Okay, my leg feels more comfortable now its in a cast, and I can't believe I needed brain surgery, they gave me something stronger for the Headache  which the doctor says should stop in a couple of days".
"So when can we take you Home,  Oh', Jack's here too but I haven't said anything about the Baby yet".
"What Baby, oh shit".
"Ha ha, have you forgotten were married my beautiful wife".
"No. I can't believe I forgot about being pregnant".
Just then the Doctor  walks in.
"Well you look okay Mrs Borden, but your memory's going to be hit and miss".
"I feel so much better,  thank you Doctor. My Husband was Just saying that he forgot to ask when we can go home back to Canada".
"Well normally I would keep you in a day or two but the way things are I will say that it's 8 pm,  so wait till 2am then go, everywhere will be quiet and if possible Just drive on side lights till you get past Salt Lake City,  things are getting better, but best not to take  chances okay".
"Thank you Doctor".
"Take care and see the Neurologist at your nearest Hospital,  here's a letter to give to your own practitioner who will  arrange things for you, and look after that Baby".
"We will do".
"I'll come wait in the waiting room where you are incase they need the bed".
"Well you stay there while I get a wheelchair and I'll grab some crutches,  back in a minute ".

Jack had just finished talking on the phone to Lisa and updating the family on Amy's condition Just as Amy arrived in front of him in a wheelchair with Ty pushing".
"Jack, the Doc says to wait until 2am until we leave and if possible on side lights until we get past Salt Lake City  he says it would be safer".
"Okay, fine by me".
"Oh Grampa there's something you should know, (" What's that") Your going to be a Great Grampa again".
"What , Really".
"Yes Grampa". Ty's nodding his head up and down with a big smile on his face.
"Ty stop doing that, you look like one of those Nodding Dogs in the backs of saloon cars.
Ha ha ha. Congratulations to the both of you".
"Thanks Jack, Thank you Grampa".
"Well let's see if we can sleep or doze , we have 6 hours before we set off so let's make the most of it".
Jack couldn't sleep and neither could Amy so they chatted about things and how she was feeling after having Micro surgery to stop the Bleed.

To be continued

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