Freezing Friends

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The premise of this very short Drabble I came up with is that Draco loves horror movies and Harry does not, but Harry says he does so that he can spend time with Draco. It backfires when he wakes up to a nightmare, and in a state of panic he turns down the heat because he's sweating but his emotions are so high that a noise freaks him out and his magic breaks the heating system.

As Harry is pacing trying to fix it, Draco comes out with a blanket wrapped around him.

"What in Merlin's name did you do?"

Sheepishly, Harry explains what happened and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Why did you agree to watch the movie with me if you knew it would give you nightmares?"

"I- erm- wanted to spend time with you?"

"Idiot. Can you fix the heating system without making it worse?"

"I don't know", Harry admitted.

"Go back to bed before you break it more."

"As if I'll be able to sleep again. It's fine, go back to bed."

"How am I going to be able to sleep when it's so cold?"

"I dunno. Heating charm?"

"It won't last the whole night. You caused this problem, now you're going to fix it", Draco said, grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him upstairs to his room.

"What are you...", Harry trailed off.

"Get in", Draco instructed.

Harry was pleased with this turn of events, but he tried not to let it show.

"If you wanted to cuddle you could've asked Potter", Draco deadpanned. "I know I'm wonderful and you can't contain yourself, but please refrain from trying to freeze us next time."

"Are you ever going to stop calling me Potter?"

"Old habits die hard."

Draco rolled over to face Harry.

"Besides. I quite like the look in your eyes when I call you Potter when we're teasing each other. It brings back that old flame", he said, reaching out and brushing a piece of hair from Harry's eyes.

"Have you seen the look when you call me Harry?"

"Has there even been a time where I haven't called you Potter?"

Harry let out a low chuckle, shaking his head.

"Hey Draco?"


"Can we cuddle?"

"Anything you want Harry."

Instead of receiving the look of adoration he normally gets when he calls Potter Harry, of course he noticed it his heart just can't handle being on the receiving end of that look, he was met with a devilish grin.


"Anything that doesn't involve clothing removal you perv."

He pulled Draco flush against his body and whispered in his ear.

"What about adding my lips to places?"

"Didn't known you were so forward Potter."

"I think I'm more... backwards if you catch my drift."

Draco froze. Did he mean...

Harry quietly snickered behind him.

"Go get me a sweater you git."

Harry rolled his eyes and then rolled over onto Draco, encasing him in his arms.


"Yes, but a sweater would've sufficed. Or, you know, not breaking the heating system."

"It's the Gryffindor in me, my apologies."

"Not brave enough to ask to cuddle but stupid enough to ruin the heater without thinking of another option. Classic Potter."

He nuzzled his face in Draco's neck.

"Stop bullying me Malfoy."

Draco wiggled further down onto the pillow, pulling Harry with him.

"What can I say, it's hard to turn off."

"If you don't stop moving you're going to accidentally turn something on", Harry hissed.

Draco giggled. A full on giggle. And Harry vowed he would do whatever he could to make Draco laugh like that again.

{A/N: I don't know if anything will come of this, but I thought it was cute so I decided to share it.}

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