You and me

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They both sat outside on the front porch, "You eat ice cream in winter?"

"Of course, we used to do this a lot back in Terranevo!"


"Dad and I, it was sweet.." a small nostalgic smile came to his face. How lovely

"Kody? I want to ask you something."

"Oh, sure go ahead"

"Theoretically, what would you do if your best friend like you?" He had felt the need to swap bodyguard with best friend.

"Best friend? Why so sudden?"

"No reason,"

"Right... to be honest I don't know. That depends on who they are. I'd say if it were you I'd say we could totally date or whatever."

What. Okay what the hell Kody.

"Huh?" Lumine's hands began to shake and he could tell his energy began to spike. He felt the need to run.

"Uh, right okay bye!" Lumine hopped up and ran off


And he's gone. Way to go, you ruined the vibe.

"Why the hell did I say that, was Lumine mad?"

Bro ran off faster than he could even think of what to say next.

Lumine was left panting, he was lost again. Oh dear, "Why'd I run off!?"

He sat down on the edge of the sidewalk, but... how did Kody know what he meant?

He's so smart, I could've never caught on. So... what could he do now.

If he moved from here, he'd be even more lost. He's domes that three- four times? He wasn't sure anymore.

Bzzzt! bzzzzt!

OH- he had a phone!

He answered the call quickly hoping he answered Kody or Aiden and not some scammer.

"HELP- IM LOST" Lumine's signature accent came through just a bit, Kody almost smiled at that.

"I know, where are you Lumine?"

"I don't knowwww" Lumine started to feel his ears droop, "I'm sorry Kody"

"It's okay, don't worry. Dad can just track the phone.."


"Nothing, don't worry."

The call ended. Lumine was left speechless, how does that work..

He stared at the phone with terrified looking eyes, scary.

Why did I hang up.. "So, why did Lumine run off Kody?"

"No clue?"

"Mm, of course. Hopefully you didn't scare him off with another potion."

"Oh come on, that was awhile ago dad."

Aiden only laughed, "right right"

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