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Calla heard her phone go off, she currently was staring at her ceiling. She didn't know what to feel at the moment, there was something bothering her. She's confused and doesn't understand what's making her confused.

She picked up the phone only to notice a message with Elijah's name on it, must be an update about the lovebirds. They're so cute together..

Calla longed for something similar but doesn't think she'll get anywhere. The preview of the message showed something about... Maybe developing something for.. and it cuts off.

She doesn't know if she wants to open the message, she has a weird feeling it's gonna be something bad.

She took a deep breath and opened it, it read...'Bad news about the lovebirds, I think I'm developing a crush on Lumine. Good news, they're doing well. I saw the sparks today.'

The message also contained little faces such as '^^' or ':(' and ':,)'

It made a small smile come to her face but she felt bad for the guy. He had feelings for someone who didn't reciprocate those feelings. That's terrible

'Oh, damn sorry dude. That's sad, is Lumine that great? Anyway, glad to here they're doing okay, you okay though?'

A response was sent a second later.

'Lumine is pretty great, he's fun to talk too... cute and stuff. And yeah they're okay and I don't know about me though. Feeling kinda icky... ^^;'

Poor guy, guess maybe we should hang out tomorrow so he can take his mind off it all.

Hope it'll help.

'Sorry to hear dude, hope you'll feel better and get around! We can hang tomorrow if you'd like? One time offer.'

Elijah's eyes brightened a bit though it was hard to tell with his discord light mode... Calla wants to hang out?

That's nice, 'Sure, got any place in mind cat eyes?'

He knew Calla hated the nick name but he wanted to lighten the mood a bit. For himself and Calla.

'Not the nickname, anyway... I got no ideas. You?'

His fingers typed quickly as he thought of a nice park, like an actual children's park. Slides and swings, he wanted to hog the swing set from the little kids. It's funny.

'You weirdo, but alright let's go tomorrow. Make sure to use the bathroom before you go. I'm not gonna wait for you to pee in a bush again..'

He snickered at the memory, he forgot to use it one time and welp had to go.

'Sure thing Calla, your the best! :D'

Calla smiled a little, "that's correct."

The message was left on read. As both went offline.

Elijah heading to go to bathroom and Calla to go off and do something to keep her occupied.

Lumine's eyes opened up as he noticed he awoke in Kody's room again. He liked the warmth in here.

Lumine snuggled himself into Kody's shoulder smiling giddily, Kody's shoulder?

His eyes widened, this is a bit... much.


A groan was all that was heard from the other boy. Lumine smiled, he'll stay here for a bit longer.

Lumine couldn't recall what had happened last night for this to happen. Another noise from Kody came and then his arm came to push Lumine off him.

"Your breathing on my neck dude"

Kody had a neutral face on but had his hand clasped onto his neck, he was bothered by it. "Oh I'm sorry Kody!" Lumine grinned apologetically

Kody nodded, then went back to sleeping. Lumine wasn't tired anymore and decided to head out without Kody this time.

He was bored, plus there was still snow outside. He felt happy about that, crunchy snow is nice

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