Chapter 1: Labor/Birth Day

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(roughly 5 months later)

I'm doing laundry while the girls are having lunch with Niall. Abbie is now a year and a half and Parker's 5th birthday is in a couple months! The girls have grown up so fast! Abbie is walking and starting to say words like 'momma' and 'dadda'. She shakes her head at nearly everything even if she would be thinking yes!

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and look down to see a puddle of some liquid on the floor beneath me. I try to take deep breaths as I hunch over my stomach and waddle out of the laundry room.

"Niall?" I shriek.

He looks back at me from the table, then quickly understands, getting up and helping me out to the car while calling his parents. He leaves me by myself while he goes to grab the girls and the suitcase we packed just in case this happened.

"Mom?" Parker buckles herself in her car seat. "What's wong wit Daddy?"

I let out a small chuckle, "The baby is coming."

"Weally?!" she gasps and starts giggling and telling Abbie all about her ideas for the baby's name.

Then, I start to think about it. We haven't talked about names. I haven't even thought about them. We have been much too busy. I've felt like crap and only focused on counting the days down for this baby girl to get out of me.

"Elsa, Ana, Cind-a-wella, Pinky Pie..." she continues to list different names.

I shake my head with a smile, despite the fact that I'm in pain. Niall finally returns and pulls out of the driveway.



We make it to the hospital and we hurry to the room. Wayde's family is already there, so the girls stay with them out in the hall while Niall and are put in a hospital room.




After about 5 hours of labor, we are finally able to start pushing.

"Push!" the doctor hollers over and over.

After about an hour of pushing, the doctor smiles at me, "Great job!" he looks down at gasps... "It's a boy!"

I feel my eyes go wide and see that Niall's does too. I feel happy tears coming to my eyes. It's our first boy! I start laughing while Niall cuts the umbilical cord, his blue eyes big. He smiles over at me, "Yep, it's a boy."

The nurse carefully gives me my new baby. I feel tears in my eyes as my chest and his small body meet. I was wrong. I could love this baby just as much as I love Parker and Abbie. I love this baby boy so much I can't even describe how much I do. I just sit there smiling with tears dripping down my face. I notice Niall has some, too.

"Your turn," I give the baby to his father.

Niall cradles him in his arms, "Hey, little buddy. What shall we name you?"

"What should we name him?" I ask, staring at the two of them.

Niall shrugs, not looking up from our baby boy's face, "I don't even know."

"I like Lukas," I say.

"I came up with that idea like a week ago," Niall sticks his thumb towards himself.

I nod, grinning, "After Luke Hemmings, right?"

Niall observes our baby's face and nods, "YES."

"What should his middle name be?" I tap my chin, thinking.

He thinks to himself for a moment, "James"

"I told you that when we found out we were having him, but you said it makes you sound self-ish!" I scold him for not listening to me the first time.

He nods, smiling, "Okay, but Lukas James, right?"

I think about it for a moment, "Yeah, I love it. Lukas James Horan. Luke is like your best friend and I think it would be cute."

"Yeah, my little lad will be a play-ya," he jokes.

I laugh, "Yea-no. He'll be a sweet gentleman just like his father."

"His father is really hot," Niall teases.

I play along with the sarcasm game, "Most definitely. Afterall, that's why I married him in the first place"

"What?" Niall acts.

I bob my head forward, "He grows on you, so I knew he was a keeper."

"Well, I'm a good husband because I don't love you just for your looks. Although, you do look pretty dang hot," he smirks.

"Niall," I blush.

He beams, "I made you blush!"

"SSHHH!" I hiss. "The baby is sleeping."

He closes his mouth.


"Parker, Abbie, meet your little brother, Lukas James Horan," I introduce the girls to their new baby bro.

Parker puts her hands on her hips, "I thought the baby was s'pposed to be a gull!"

"We thought so too, but it's a boy!" I let out a giggle.

Her face rises with happiness, "I have a new baby bwother!"

We all laugh at her.

Abbie just sits beside me petting James' small head, "Bay-be."

"Yes, he's a baby," I tell her.

Niall leans into my ear, "I had the nurse take pictures of you and the baby."

"Really?" I look at him weird.

"Wanna see?" he holds out his phone.

I look at it and feel the tears coming on. It's a picture of James sleeping on my chest. "Thank you," I look up at the nurse.

She gives me a genuine smile, "You're so very welcome."




Wayde and my parents come to see their new nephew and grandson. Wayde's family leaves first, at about 9:30 p.m, and my parents stay for another half hour before taking the girls back to our house. Niall stays the night on the little couch beside my bed.

Lukas James Horan

born at 8:22 p.m

May 23rd

6.5 lbs.

18 inches

So... How do you like it so far? A bit of a shocker wasn't it?! Tell me your thoughts in the comments or message me! Please vote and share with others! PLOT TWIST! Haha, did I even use that right?! Haha!!!!


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