Chapter 36: Dad Day

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With Sarah being gone for the weekend, I formulate a plan for the time I have with the girls and Lukas. I wanna make sure that when Sarah does come back, they'll be able to side with me when I tell her that everything was amazing. I mean, I wanna be able to prove to her that I can take care of the kids myself and that she doesn't need to carry that entire load on her shoulders. I want her to be able to completely trust me with the kids and see that I am capable to be the best father for our kids. 

I'm so nervous for the twins to arrive; I'm not sure how we're all going to be able to adapt to two new bodies in the house. Honestly, I'm not positive little Lukey will be very happy with a couple babies getting the attention that he's so used to having himself. 

"Daddy!" Abbie runs into the laundry room as I sort out the darks and the whites. 

I let her hang on me while I switch the loads. "What's up, Abs?"

"I wanna go to the park," she says whines, making it very difficult for me to say anything other than yes. 

I fail to even hesitate before immediately caving in, "Of course!"

I glance out the window and it appears as if it's a good day outside, so I just follow her out of the laundry room and into the living room where Parker and Lukas are watching cartoons. I begin fixing my household famous eggs, bacon, and toast breakfast while they continue watching tv and Abbie goes upstairs. 

"Daddy!!!!" I hear my young daughter holler from her bedroom a few minutes later. "Can I wear my princess dress?!"

I finish setting the table and displaying the food on the plates before dashing up the stairs to go see which princess dress she's talking about. I enter her bedroom while she's just playing with her dolls and her dollhouse in her undies.  

"What dress are you wanting?" I say, looking through her closet. 

She jumps up and tugs on one of the many pink frilly dresses that are hanging up. I shrug, not seeing an issue in wearing whatever she wants. I pull it off the hanger for her and give it to her to dress. 

"Come downstairs for breakfast when you're dressed, okay?" I say as I exit into the hallway to go return back to the kitchen. 

Parker has Lukas bouncing on her hip by the table, letting him get ahold of a few pieces of bacon. I laugh to myself as I bound down the stairs to join them at the table. "Let's put Luke in his seat, P," I say, lifting him out of her arms and setting him into his high chair. 

"BACON!!!" I hear Abbie jumping down the stairs cheering.

I sit down across from Parker at the table and I see that Abigail is still in just her underwear. I shake my head, mustering a chuckle, "Abbie, I told you to put on clothes."

"I know, but I'm hungry," she says, climbing into her booster seat before shoving a fistful of eggs in her mouth. I stifle a laugh as I try to explain to her that we eat our eggs with either a spoon or fork. 



I check the time on my watch whilst sitting on the park bench to take a quick break from playing tag with the girls. Lukas has been climbing up and down the stairs of the jungle gym, entertaining himself. 

I throw my head back, releasing a sigh. The moment I feel my eyes start to close, Parker lets out an ear-splitting scream. As a reaction, I jump to my feet and my eyes soon find her and Abbie going at it with slaps and hair pulling. I race over and separate the two while I scolding them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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