Chapter 20: Hotel Swim

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Niall finishes tucking the girls into beds while I lay a sleeping Lukas in the travel cot. I kiss his forehead before going to the bathroom to get changed into pj's and brush my teeth and wash my face.

I come out and see that Niall is sitting against the headboard of our bed, doing whatever on his laptop. I snuggle up beneath the covers, "What're you doing, babe?"

"Just tweeting," he whispers back.

I lean over him to turn the lamp off so that I can sleep. I lay back down and face away from the computer light. Large hands run through my hair, relaxing me even more.

"Goodnight, baby," he whispers just before everything fades away.



I change Abbie and Lukas in their swimsuits while Niall is watching tv with Parker, the two of them ready to go to the pool. Even though it's late October (almost Halloween) we've decided to rent the hotel swimming pool for the day with Liam and Sophia's little family.

I set Lukas on Niall's lap and rush to the bathroom to change into my one piece. I pull my hair back into a messy bun and slip into my cover up.

"Let's go," I say coming out of the bathroom, putting my flip flops on.

We probably look out of place at this time of year, but oh well.

We make it down to the pool and Niall gets in the large pool with Abbie and Lukas. I on the other hand help Parker get her Sophia the First life vest on. She puts on her swimming shoes (she's obsessed with them) before jumping in the pool.

"Come in, Mom!" Parker paddles herself over to Niall.

I shake my head with a smile as I pull off my cover up and kick off my flip flops. "Cannonball!" I holler, leaping into the pool.

I emerge from the water with a smile on my face, "It's like bath water in here."

"I want my toys," Abbie points to the table of which I had set the diaper bag of toys on.

Niall takes her out to help pick out the appropriate toys.(some aren't meant to be played with in the water.)

Niall sets a wiggly Lukas down as he rummages through the bag to find water toys for the girls. The door to the hallway, opens and I break into a smiley face when I meet eye contact with Sophia. I wave and hurry out of the pool.

Liam carries Rosalie over to where Niall is so that him and Ni can chat. Sophia takes off her tee shirt and shorts before coming to give me a hug.

"Hey, girl," she says, happily.

I laugh, "Hey, I'm glad our families are able to get together before the boys perform."

"It's been so long," she then adds. "Too long."

I smile as we pull away, "Agreed."

"Oh my gosh!" I notice Brady standing right beside his mother. "Brady, you've grown up so much!"

He forms a closed smile on his lips, a dimple carving into his cheek. It's so cute I almost fan girl, but I remind myself that I'm almost 27 and I should control myself from going crazy over a single dimple.

He tugs on Sophia's shirt and she leans down so that he could whisper something in her ear. After a bit, she stands straight back up, "He says he doesn't remember you."

"Oh, well that's okay. It's been a while, huh?" I say, glancing down at him.

Lukas comes waddling up to me, his arms open wide. I smile and embrace him, hoisting him on my waist. He cuddles his face against my shoulder, just staring at Brady. He looks up at me and points down at Brady, "Boy."

"Yes, that's a boy, Lukey. His name is Brady," I chuckle. "Can you say Brady?"

He just babbles and wiggles out of my grip and wanders off back to Niall. I shrug and Brady goes to the pool, jumping in and paddling around in the more shallow area. I and Sophia sit on the ledge of the pool, soaking our feet in the water, just talking, and catching up. (not that it's really necessary.)

Abigail comes and sits beside me, "Swim, Mama."

"Not right now, I'm talking to Auntie Sophi," I say motioning to my great friend beside me.

Abbie leaps into the pool, wearing her pink and white polka-dot arm floaties. She giggles and makes her way to where Parker is talking to Brady.

"Hey babe," I feel a pair of lips against my cheek.

I roll my eyes, knowing it's Niall, "Get off me you animal."

"You know you love me," He comes around through the water, to stand right in front of me, his face about right in front of mine.

I shoot him a sassy look, "Wrong."

"No. Actually I think I'm right," he smirks taking my hands in his.

Sophia speaks up, "Liam get over here! Why aren't we as cute of a couple as these two!"

"Coming babe!" Liam hollers running over and doing a cannonball in the water.

All the kiddos squeal and giggle from getting little droplets splash onto them from his contact with the water. Soph scolds, "Don't run! Be a good example!"

"Sorry babe," Liam says, clearly not really sorry.

Sophia picks up a grin, "Come 'ere and kiss me, you big goof."

"Ew!" Parker and Brady say in unison, Abbie says it too, but she has a later reaction.

Liam joins in with the kids, "Yeah! Ew!" He drags on the 'ew' for enthusiasm.

"Oh, pucker up," she takes his face and smashes hers against his.

Brady swims over and pulls Liam away from his mother. Niall and I just laugh at them. Their family is seriously the cutest. Sophia says that we're perfect? Ha, girl, we're far from it, but we love how imperfect we are. In fact, we embrace it. We have realized no family is actually perfect. They all come with their quirks.


Hey sorry about the HORRIBLE chapter! School is so crazy and I've been in the process of moving, so y e a h . . . . . .

I a m s o b o r e d a t s c h o o l r i g h t n o w .

Also! Thank you guys so much for so many reads*votes*comments! I love you all so freakin' much! You guys are seriously the best! I love your funny comments and I love seeing new ones pop up! Ya'll are great and I couldn't ask for better readers!

BTW: Brady (in the picture above or to the side) is the cutest isn't he?! I love his dimpled face and I just had to make him Brady because that single dimple! AGH I'm dying.

Anyway, LOL (lots of love)

~Ainsley XO

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