Chapter 22: Understanding

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"Sarah," Niall bursts through the door.

I look up from my book, making eye contact with him. He has tears in his eyes and he's coming towards with open arms. Once he's embraced me, he breathes out my name again. I sit there, not sure what to say. What is this about? Does he think I think that he's cheating? Does he think I want to leave him?

I run my hands in his hair to comfort him, "Hi, Niall."

He looks up at me confused. "You're not?..."

"Mad? Nope. Taylor told me about your old girl friend," I explain. "She said I was jumping to conclusions too quickly and I just needed to relax and just look. I finally realized that it was you, but it was before we were ever together."

His chest vibrates some as he takes in a shaky breath, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I hold him tighter.

"Where are the kids?" his eyes wander around the room.

I pull back to look at his face, "I left them at Taylor and Harry's room."

"Oh, okay," he smiles and plants a kiss on my nose.

"We should probably go get them," I say, pulling away.

He looks down at his hands, "Well, I thought..."

"What?" I peer at him.

He blushes, "I thought maybe we could go on a date?"

"A date?" I sit back down. "Like just me and you?"

"Yeah, I guess," he rubs the back of his neck, definitely a sign that he's nervous.

I chuckle, "Okay."

"We'll be going on a picnic at Central Park," he winks.

I stand once more, then pause, "It's cold outside."

"It's not bad," he takes my hands in his. "Just make sure to dress warm."

I nod and go to my suit case and pull out a pair of leggings and an off-white sweater. I apply my regular make up except I add a small wing with my eye liner and some neutral eye liner to help my blue eyes stand out a little more than normal.

I walk out of the bathroom and slip on my Jeffrey Campbells. I see that Niall's back is facing me, so with a smirk on my face, I tip toe behind him and poke him in the sides.

He jumps 6 feet up off the ground, "Oh my freak!" he shrieks, spinning around.

I fall over in a pit of laughter. He frowns, "What was that for?!"

I can't respond due to the laughter that I cannot contain whatsoever. He smirks and my laughter immediately disappears. "Niall?" I choke out.

"Huh?" a smirk still playing on his lips as he slowly lowers his body close to mine.

I scoot backwards, knowing what he's plotting against me. "Don't you dare," I point a finger in his direction.

"Too late," he says before leaping over me and tickling my sides.

I thrash around, dying of laughter. I gasp for air, but it's nearly impossible. "STOP! STOP! STOP!" I strain to shout.

"Say you'll never do that again!" he continues to tickle me.

I start pressing my hands against his chest, trying to shove him off of me, but he's too strong. "Never!" I manage to respond.

"Stubborn, I like it," he winks, not quitting this torture.

I scream, "Fine! I won't scare you again!"

"Promise?" he finally slows.

I try to shove him off, but it still isn't working, "Promise."

He slowly slides off of me and gets to his feet, pulling me up on mine. I playfully glare at him then grab my purse off the table and my phone from the night stand. He takes my hand and leads me to the elevators.

"Ladies first," my gentleman of a husband holds his hand out toward the open doors.

I respond with a curtsy and walk in, pulling him behind me. Our hands intertwine while we walk out into the lobby, then out of the main doors. The cool air hits me in the face and makes my ears and cheeks tingle a little bit. My right hand is, however, kept warm as his left hand holds it tight.

He opens the car door for me and helps me in before rounding the car and hopping in the drivers' seat beside me. He puts the key in the ignition and the engine is soon to roar alive. He puts the car in reverse and we pull out of the parking lot.

"Where's the food we're eating for the picnic?" I ask realizing we forgot only the most important thing for a picnic.

Niall's eyes go wide for a second, then relax, "Oh, I already got food. It's in the back."

"Ohhhh," I let out a sigh of relief.

We park and he goes around to the back of the car and grabs a basket while I help myself out. I join him, intertwining our fingers together. I grab the two blankets from the back and shut the door as we make our way through the grass to the perfect spot for us. I spread out one of the large blankets over the grass for us to sit on and use the other one to wrap the two of us in to keep warm.

"Not cold, my butt," I say before laughing, Niall soon joining me.

"Hey, it wasn't this cold before!" Niall defends himself, not very well, but give the poor kid some points for trying. "I thought a picnic would be nice."

I smile kissing his rosy cheek, "You're adorable."

"No, puppies are adorable," he replies before pecking my lips.

I smirk, "You and puppies are adorable."

"You're beautiful, you know that? Inside and out," he squeezes my hand.

I laugh, reaching into the basket, "Yes, now let's eat."

"Wait!" Niall slaps my hands away. "Let me introduce to you fresh pizza from the one and only Pizza Hut." He pulls out a paper plate with 4 slices of pizza on it.

I smile, "Mmm gotta love me some pizza."

"Fresh pizza," Niall corrects. "It's fresh."

I chuckle, "Oh yes, fresh pizza."

"I got some apple juice, too," he says pulling out a couple juice boxes, handing one to me.

I kiss his cheek, "Thank you."

"They were originally for the kids, but then I was like why not?" he makes me laugh some more.

We eat and chat about life and how everything is with us and the family. It's nice that we can talk alone about stuff like this. Especially at this time when he's on tour. I love how he can balance family life with work life. It's just so inspiring and makes me so proud. I'm one lucky woman.

A lucky woman with a piece of fresh pizza and a juice box in her hands.

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