Chapter 16: The Interview

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"Niall, wake up," I softly shake my husband's shoulder. "It's 10:30. You need to get up."

He groans, flipping over, "No."

"Wake up or I'll sick Lukas on you," I threat, but not really. 

I can see his cheeks rise in a smile, "Go ahead, I need to say good morning to my boy."

"Niall please," I beg, taking his hand. "I made breakfast."

He shoots up in a sitting position, "Really?"

"No," I smirk.

He flops back down, "Then good luck with getting me out of bed."

"Babe, please," I plead some more. 

He grins mischievously up at me, "You'll have to give me a kiss."

"Okay," I lean down and plant my lips against his, but quickly pull back, leaving my lips hovering above his. "Get up."

He chuckles, "Fine."

"You're lucky I'm not making you change Luke's diaper," I pull back and walk out the bedroom. "By the way, we leave in fifteen."

I hear the bed squeak and footsteps dart across our room. We actually really leave in thirty minutes, but I wanna make sure he's ready before then. Believe it or not, he takes longer than I take to get ready. I have to dress Lukas, help Abbie get her outfit on correctly, and make sure Parker is wearing clean clothes. I have to access them all while they brush their teeth and I do their hair. And then, I get myself dressed and all dolled up, but yet, Niall takes all that time to get ready by himself. 


Once the girls are dressed in opposite floral sundresses, and James in a superman tee and jean shorts, I get myself into a white tank and jeans, then and a floral kimono to the outfit. I slip on some flats before hustling the kids down the stairs and gather at the front door to get their own shoes on. I of course get Lukas' shoes on him before I make sure Abigail has hers on the correct feet. I smile when I notice her right sandal is on her left foot, and he right sandal on the other. 

"Here, Abs," I switch them around to the correct feet. 

Niall comes tumbling down the stairs, "I'm ready!"

"Great, we are gonna be early," I smile, opening the front door. 

He makes a weird expression, "I thought we were supposed to leave a couple minutes ago."

"I lied. We still have another fifteen-ish minutes until we really do have to get going, but I wanted to make sure everyone was ready," I admit. 

He scoops Lukas up in his arms, "Well, that wasn't nice. Girls... and Lukas... Don't lie like Mommy did."

I feel my face burn, "Yeah, Mommy wasn't being very nice and honest."

"Well Dad's ready now, so it's okay," Parker climbs into the back seat. 

I shake my head, "It's good that Dad is ready, but it's not good to lie."

"No lying, Mama," Abbie points to me. 

I nod and smile, "Yes, no lying."

Niall helps Abbie and Luke in their car seats and getting buckled in, ready to go. I pass the three kids a fruit snack and Lukas his sippie cup. 

"I want water, Mama," Abbie whines. 

I rummage through my bag and find a half full water bottle and let her have it. She takes tiny sips after each little fruit snack. I smile, shaking my head turning back to the front. 

My 'Perfect' LifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin