Chapter 11: Little Things

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Niall flops down beside me on our bed. It's 9:30 at night and all of the kiddos are already in bed. My mind has been stuck on the whole Abbie thing that happened earlier today. I wonder if it's been bugging Niall, too. 

"So what do you think, love?" I hear Niall referring to me, so I brush my thoughts away. 

"What?" I feel bad for tuning him out while I think to myself. 

He gives me a weird look, "I'll take Parker to dance-"

"Does it not bother you at all?" I interrupt, unable to maintain my screaming feelings. 

Niall just stops and shakes his head, "No... I'd love to take her to her first ballet class."

"Not that. How Greg just took Abbie out of the pool. Weren't you scared to death?" 

"Of course I was, but he said he thought she was lonely," Niall of course defending his brother, hardly thinking of it.

I roll my eyes, anger and frustration with everyone (mainly myself for acting out so harshly) I just get out of bed. "I don't care what Greg said or thought or whatever! I almost had a heart attack. I didn't know where my baby was, and...." I feel my lip wobbling like crazy. 

"Sarah..." Niall gets up and embraces me in his warm arms. 

I just cry in his shirt, "I was so scared. I can't lose her. I can't lose you, or Parker, or Lukas. I can't."

"My love, you won't lose us," he says into my hair. 

I've been in need of a Horan hug, and it's too bad I didn't notice it until now. "Niall, I love you."

"I love you more, my love," he kisses my forehead. "And I'm sorry I was naive enough to leave you, Parker, and Abbie behind."

A grin spreads across my face. I don't say anything but I lean to the left and we collapse onto the bed. We lay there laughing, trying to stay quiet. I peck him on the lips and climb under the covers on my side. Niall cuddles beside me. 



It feels as though right when I finally fall asleep, I hear Lukas crying, but the time on the alarm clock is close to two, so I know I've been asleep for a while. I carefully slide out of Niall's arms, and stand to get my baby boy, but Niall grabs my arm, stopping me. 

"I'll get him," he yawns, sliding out of bed. 

I smile laying my head down on the pillow. How did I get so lucky. Most husbands wouldn't voluntarily get out of bed to take care of their baby. They'd normally leave that job for the mom. Niall is so sweet, and I sometimes question if I'm good enough for him, but he gets pretty angry when I say anything like that. He always tells me "you are, and always have been, my dream." It sounds pretty cheesy, but when the love of your life-your best friend says that to you. You don't care if it's cheesy, all you care about is that moment. That one moment in time where you realize that all those little things that you've done for that specific person all adds up to be something incredible-magical. Something called love. 

"You're still up?" Niall crawls back into bed. 

I nod, sitting up against the headboard, "I can't fall asleep."

"Come here," he opens his arm for me to slide under. 

I cuddle up against him as he starts to sing one of the band's older songs, Little Things.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

but bear this in mine, it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

and it all makes sense to me...

I know you never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile

You've never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in her back at the bottom of your spine

but I'll love them endlessly


I feel my eye lids getting heavier the more he soothingly sings the song. I feel my eyes flutter one last time before I doze off.


hey ya'll I'm sorry for not updating much at all lately! I spent my month of June down in Texas so if any of ya'll were there, too, then cool! Maybe we saw each other... or not... Anyways, I apologize for the short chapter! I'm pretty tired because I have to watch these two kids all day every day, and.... I need to get up early soo!



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