Chapter 35: Weekend Getaway

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I finish packing my duffle bag before zipping it up and setting it on the floor outside my bedroom door. I double check the master bathroom to make sure I packed my toothbrush, hairbrush, and other personal toiletries. Once I make sure I have it all ready to go, I sit back on my bed to relax for a bit

I check Instagram as I had posted a picture that Niall had captured of me while we were all on our trip to Bora Bora:

I check Instagram as I had posted a picture that Niall had captured of me while we were all on our trip to Bora Bora:

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After catching up on social media for a few minutes, I find my way down to the kitchen. It takes me a moment to realize that the house is dead quiet. I call Niall's name... no response. I call Parker and Abbie, but no footsteps are heard. I even call for Lukas, knowing full well that it wouldn't be any use. I hear the back door swing open, startling me until I see it's just a sweaty Niall. He has one of the kid's soccer ball tucked under one arm and Lukas smiling in the other. 

"Mama!" Parker runs in after him, sweating just as much as her father, if not more. "Come outside!"

I watch as Abbie follows, begging me to join them outside as well. I glance up at Niall and his grin charms me right into agreeing without a second thought. I know that I'll be gone for the weekend, missing the crap out of my kiddos, so why not spend these last few moments with them before I leave? 

I join them out in the backyard and Abbie takes my hand and starts taking me up the playset. I have her on my lap as we go down the slide and I follow her to the monkey bars and through a little tunnel. Niall is pushing Lukas in a swing beside Parker and I feel so grateful for all of this. 

It's so rare nowadays for families to be so close. For husbands and wives to completely love each other without a doubt. It's so rare for siblings to be not just brothers and/or sisters, but best friends. I'm beyond lucky that my children are each other's best friends and Niall is mine. I wouldn't trade this for the world. 

I feel a pit in my stomach as I remember that I'm supposed to be leaving for the airport with Taylor and Eleanor in less than two hours. Don't get me wrong I'm excited that we get to go to Florida for the weekend, but I'm gonna miss the tar out of the kiddos and Niall. In addition to being homesick, I'm pregnant which makes it difficult to feel confident in just about anything. I love the twins in my stomach, don't get me wrong, but it's so easy for me to feel grossed out when I look in the mirror. I don't even know why I'm so worried about that, I'm not a teenager anymore, I don't have anyone to impress. But also, I want to be comfortable in the clothes I wear. I don't want to be self-conscious everywhere I go for the next few days. 

"You okay, babe?" Niall sturs me from my thoughts.

I glance up at him and he has Lukas on his shoulders, their matching blue eyes dance with happiness. I laugh, the thoughts of my silly troubles away, "Yes!"

I spend the next few moments chasing the girls around the backyard before Ni is the one to interrupt our fun with the fact that I had to start heading for the airport. I feel my eyes well up with tears because the last thing I want to do is leave my family at home at this time. So much has happened recently and I'm just now starting to feel truly, utterly happy again. Not that traveling to Florida with my two best friends is ever a barrier between that, but I just feel like I haven't been completely home for a while. At least, I haven't been mentally or emotionally. 

I give the girls (and Lukas) a gazillion individual hugs and kisses before hopping in the Infiniti Q50, and making my way to the airport. I connect my phone to the blu-tooth in the car before turning out of the neighborhood. This is gonna be a long weekend. 



I find myself sipping on a fruit smoothie and scrolling through my Instagram as I wait for Eleanor and Taylor in the terminal. I can see that there are a lot of comments on my latest post that so many fans and followers are so excited for the twins to come out into the world, and I can't help but tear up. I blame all these recent teary-eyed moments on these pregnancy hormones. I feel like it's been a while since I've had a kid, but honestly, it's only been about two years. 

I start to reflect on my life since what happened just a few years ago when Niall left me and the girls at home. I am so grateful Niall came back, and everything worked out. I feel like it made us even stronger because we both realized just how much we truly loved and needed each other. I am still so grateful for the boys that had helped talk sense into him, and explained what happened and who Danielle truly was.

For so long I had felt a hint of bitterness that Niall would even believe Danielle when she lied about my 'unfaithfulness' to him. I mean, I only looked at the situation through my own eyes, not open to view it from his perspective. To me, it seemed clear that I would never ever even think of cheating on him. Especially with the fact that Harry and Taylor remained happy together, knowing full well that it wasn't true. I mean how stupid could Niall have been. I even thought he wanted it to be true... That he wanted to leave with Danielle. I've moved on from that time, and have forgiven Danielle (for the most part). I really just feel bad for her because she hasn't found true love for herself, but I wish her the best or at least her best.

I'm shaken from my deep thoughts as I feel the presence of two people standing in front of me. I look up and see that it's Eleanor and Taylor standing there with the biggest smiles. "El!! Tay!!" I hug the both of them with a smile to match theirs. 

"Hey girl, how long have you been waiting?" Eleanor says as we all sit down. 

I check my phone, "Not long."

"Well, how're the twins?" Taylor rubs my baby bump. 

A soft laugh escapes, "They're lovin' it, lemme tell ya."

"It's still so crazy for me to think," Eleanor chimes in. "you're due in just a few months with not just one addition, but two!!" 

I nod, "Yeah, I know! It doesn't feel real yet. It's amazing at the ultrasound appointments though. It's so weird to think that I can fit two babies in my stomach. I could hardly fit one!"

"Well you look amazing," Taylor smiles over at me.

Oh, how I've missed my two girlfriends. Maybe this minivacation won't be so bad and dreadful afterall!

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