Chapter 23: Anniversary

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"She's going to love it," Louis pats my back.

I bite my lip, "I don't know."

"It's the perfect necklace," he says, encouraging that I purchase this diamond locket necklace for my lovely wife. 

It's our seventh year anniversary and I'm super nervous. I don't even know why. Last year was pretty nerve racking, too, but not as much as this year. This year I'm doing something different. We normally go out to eat at a fancy restaurant, but not this year. This year we're going to be doing something different. We're going to be staying home because that's what she wants to do. She says she has something to announce and she'd rather have the whole family there and that's what being married really means. 

Sarah is seriously my inspiration. I think about her when I write my songs. I think about all that she does for the kids, for me, and just for everyone in general. She's so caring and generous, it's unreal. The best part is, she's so genuine about it all. She doesn't do it for the attention or the reward, she does it because she is simply happy when she serves others. That is something I admire about her. 

"If you don't feel that it's right, then don't get it," Lou tells me, leaning against a glass case. 

I look down at the necklace again, "I like it, but... I don't think she would."

"Why not?" Louis' voice is pierced with shock. 

I shrug, "She just doesn't really wear extravagant jewelry like this. She wears bracelets Parker and Abbie make her from their jewelry kits."

"Ohhh," he nods, finally understanding. 

I look around the whole store another time and still don't feel like any would fit her. 

"Can I assist you in anyway?" the counter lady says. 

I nod. Why not? "Yes, I'm looking for a necklace for my wife. Something simple yet beautiful."

"Okay," she thinks to herself for a moment. "I have a few that might suit your needs."

She pulls out a tray of a few necklaces and I gape at their beauty. The fact that they are just so simple, yet magnificent is so captivating.

"This one," I immediately point to the center one. 

She carefully lifts it up, "Is it your anniversary?"

"Tomorrow, yeah," I feel my cheeks heat up. "Our seventh."

She smiles, "Awh, happy anniversary."

"Thank you, ma'am," I turn even darker. 

She puts the necklace in a case and I hand her my credit card to purchase the fine jewelry. Louis smirks as our body guards, Ryan and Mitchell, lead us out to the van that is parked in front of the store. 

I climb in and immediately pull out my phone to text my wife another love note:


Roses are red, 
Violets are blue,

love never crossed my mind
until I met you <3


Suck up.


Answer the following questions: 1. what is the missing vowel? a,e,   ,o,u


2. What is the opposite of hate?


3. What is the opposite of me?

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