Chapter 17: Hotel Fun

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"Sit down," I tell Parker, patting the chair beside me.

We are currently in the airport, getting ready to board our plane to New York. We are about to start our American Tour for their new album, and management requested that the boys be in New York a before for some pre-tour meetings.

Abbie's asleep on my lap, we've been waiting here for an hour and a half and she's finally went to sleep. Niall is seated in the chair on the other side of Parker, lifting and raising Lukas in the air. Parker has been so hyper today and I don't even understand how she can have so much energy so early in the morning. 6:00 to be exact. I just hope she relaxes and sleeps on the plane. I hope everyone could just sleep on the plane the whole time, but I know very well that that's not going to happen.

Niall now situates Lukas on his lap, holding him close with one arm and typing on his phone with his other hand. Abbie stirs sum in her sleep and the intercom beeps on, "Flight B36 is boarding in 5 minutes. Those with small children, please board the plane at this time. Thank you."

Niall gets up, tucking his phone in his pocket. He grabs his suit case and a draw-string backpack. I take hold of the diaper bag and swing it over my shoulder before lifting the handle to another suit case. Parker lifts her little backpack onto her shoulders and marches up to the podium with Niall and I.

We show our boarding pass and other information before stepping onto the ramp. Abbie is still sound asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. It's a miracle how deep of a sleeper she is at the moment. I usher Parker to our assigned seats while Niall talks to the attendant to ask for a couple car seats that they provide.

He comes back with a car seat and a man is following him with another one. They set one car seat up in the middle of one row of 3 seats and the other one in the center seat in the row behind the first car seat. Niall goes ahead and buckles Lukas in one car seat and I buckle Abbie in the other. Parker sits by Abbie, the seat closest to the aisle, not wanting to see the window. I take the seat beside the window because I love looking over the city and seeing that we're in the clouds. Niall sits directly behind me, next to Lukey.

Everyone else starts to get on and fill up the rest of the plane.

After about 15 minutes, Abbie is awake, chattering with Parker and pointing to the window. The intercom bleeps on and the flight attendant announces that we will be lifting off in about 15 minutes. She shows how to use the safety devices and all that, but I just zone her out, knowing all of the drills already. Yeah, I'm cool like that(;


We are in the air and Abbie has just started to calm down from her mini tantrum about wanting to get off the plane. It was quite hilarious. Parker was just fine, staying calm and everything. Lukas was crying a bit because of the noise and movement, but Niall did a few magic tricks and got him quiet. (not really, he just bribed our son with crackers. That's what I call good parenting)

"Mommy!" Abbie whines, reaching her arms out to me.

I reject once again, "Mommy can't hold you right now."

She starts crying some more, "Mama!"

"Ssshhh," I whisper to her ear, knowing people are looking at us, but frankly, I don't even care.

I point at the window, "See, clouds!"

"Couds?" she leans forward to see.

I nod, "Yep, look!"

"Petty," she smiles at the sight.

I nod agreeing, "Yes. Pretty."


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