Chapter 30: Plane Tickets

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"Let's go, we have to be out the door now!" I holler, hustling everyone out the door. 

Niall comes bounding down the stairs, a giggling Abigail dangling from his back. He drags the final suitcase out the door. I had buckled Luke and Parker in the car already while Niall was taking care of Abbie's little potty accident. 

I swing the diaper bag over my shoulder and race out to the car, making sure that we have everything. I do a double check to assure myself as well as the others that we are not leaving anything behind. As soon as I'm content with what we have packed in the car, I hop in the passenger seat, waiting for Niall to finish buckling Abigail in her car seat. 

The drive to the airport is about an hour and a half, depending on how heavy or light the traffic is. I made sure to store some coloring books, toys, and snacks for the kids to occupy themselves with while we head for the airport. 


"Come on, Luke," I unbuckle my son and hold him to my hip. 

Niall gets the girls out of the car and we all help unload the trunk. I don't know how but we all manage to get our luggage into the airport without a problem. We get our luggage weighed and we start through the whole security process. 

The girls complain the whole time about having to take their shoes off or how it's taking forever. Lukas is in Niall's arms, relaxing, looking as though he might doze off any moment. 

I try to get the girls to chill out with talking to them about how fun our vacation is going to be. Abbie is too preoccupied with all of the strangers, so she's fussing for me to hold her, but I reject, putting our things in mini totes to put on the security strip. Parker whines about how hungry she is and I am this close to leaving her here. Not really, but she's put me that far on edge. 

"Parker," I send a warning look. "Stop complaining. You won't get any food if you keep whining like that."

She groans, leaning onto Niall, "Dad! I'm hungry!"

"I know, love," he has his hand on her shoulder. "Just be patient for Mom and I, okay?"

She sighs, "Fine."

"Thank you," he pecks a kiss onto the top of her head. 

She giggles, pushing his face away, "Ew, you're gross."

He just chuckles and ruffles her hair. "I'm hungry," she rubs her tummy. 

"Hi, hungry, I'm Dad," Niall lets go of one of his many lame dad jokes. 

I can't help but release a small snicker at how desperate his is to finally share his dad jokes. He's been saving up on some for the girls for when they actually understand. Like right now, Parker just makes a face then rolls her blue eyes in amusement. 

"You're silly," she giggles. 

Niall lifts his chin, "I'm pretty hot, too."

"Ew," Parker and I say in unison before the two of us burst into laughter and Niall just shakes his head, repositioning Luke.



"Flight B32 to Bora Bora will now board in five minutes," the intercom screeches. 

Niall and I gather the carry ons together, making sure that the girls have their backpacks on their shoulders. Luke is nestled in my arms, softly breathing in his sleep. I have no idea how he can sleep in such a public place, but I can't complain. I am aware that he'll more than likely wake up as soon as we start to take off, but I hope that he'll get used to the environment enough to fall back asleep. 

As we are about to enter through the gate, the boarding lady stops us and asks if we would like to use a car seat for Lukas. I shrug and agree to take it for the plane ride, knowing that it's no charge. We set up the car seat in between Niall's and Parker's seats. I am seated right behind the two of them, next to Abigail. 

The flight attendant gives a safety lecture, but we all know what to do, so I just help situate Abbie in her seat with a few toys to keep her occupied. 

A few minutes after the pilot announces that we will be taking off soon, the plane starts to speed down the runway, only going faster and faster. I hear Lukas begin to cry, nearly right away from all the noise. Abbie is soon to join when she realizes we're raising into the air. 

"No!" she screams, tears running down her face. 

I settle her nerves by holding her close and telling her it's going to be alright. I don't hear a word from Parker, but I can see that she's clutching her arm rests for dear life.

"You may unbuckle your seat belts at this time," the pilot's voice is heard throughout the plane. 

I help Abbie onto my lap, running my hands through her hair to ease her fears. I hold her close and she soon is able to relax, slowly dozing off. I grab a blanket from the carry on and drape it over her body. I watch as her eye lids flutter in her sleep, then kiss her forehead, brushing her hair back out of her face. 




Once we make it to our beach hut, we're all struck with jet lag. It's a little dark for us to see too much, but the dark blue water shines from the bright moon light. I can see Niall's eyes brighten when we enter the front door. Inside, it's gorgeous. A living space greets us, a kitchen just beyond, and a small hallway that leads to a massive bedroom and bathroom. I see that the king size bed will fit all of us comfortably, but Niall decides it's best if he sets up the travel cot for Lukas just to make "extra" room. 

Once the kids have brushed their teeth, washed their faces, got into their pajamas, Niall tucks them into the big bed, grabbing a picture book from the diaper bag. I sit at the window, overlooking the ocean, listening to Niall's soft voice and the smooth washing of the waves over the shore. 

After a while, I notice that I Niall is no longer talking, and it's deathly quiet. I turn to find that all of them are sleeping peacefully. Niall is laying with Abbie snuggled up against him, Parker on the opposite side of Abbie, and Lukas on the pillow just above Niall's head. I let out a soft giggle at the sight of all of them. I make sure to capture this moment in my head and I feel a soft smile plaster onto my face. 

I get up to brush my teeth and wash my face. I stare at myself in the mirror, seeing the baby bump has definitely grown quite a bit. I'm really kind of nervous about giving birth to twins. It's more than hard enough to give birth to just one. I'm just grateful that it hasn't been too bad of a pregnancy so far, but then again, I'm only a month and a half in, so who knows?

I spit into the sink and rinse my mouth out before looking up, nearly peeing my pants when I see that Niall is standing in the doorway, his hair already messy from sleeping. 

"What are you doing?" I catch my breath, setting my tooth brush back in the little cup. 

He just sends me a tired smile in return. I make a weird face, continuing on to washing my face. 

I splash the soap clean off of my face, patting my face with the soft hand towel that's offered to us. I glance over at Niall and he is still staring. "What?" I am getting a little uncomfortable.

 "You're just beautiful, that's all," he stands, admiring me for a moment before hugging me from behind. 

I feel my face blush as I turn my body around to face him. I press my lips to his and we stay in this position for a brief moment until I feel a jolt in my stomach. I flinch, pulling away from Niall, "One just kicked."

"Really?" Niall quickly presses his hand to my belly. "This one is definitely going to be playing derby."

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