Chapter 27: All Will Be Well

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A/N: I don't remember the names of Sarah's parents, or if I even brought up their names, but from now on, her mother's name is Elise and her father's name is Daniel, okay? Sarah's maiden name is Jones... okay? Pretty basic....

continue on with this story (beware, it's emotional so I advise that you read this alone) >>>


Sarah Jones tightens her small hand around two of her father's large fingers as they slowly follow Mrs. Jones and Wayde, Sarah's older brother. Sarah's big, blue eyes were dancing with the carnival ride lights. She had never seen such a fun sight! She had tried to run ahead, but she didn't want to let her daddy's hand go. 

"Sarah, look," she hear's her daddy's voice. 

She looks up and follows his finger to a big carousel. She squeals, wobbling towards the ride. She leads her family to the merry-go-round. Wayde decides that he's too much of a big boy to ride on such a childish ride, so he stays behind with his mother. 

"1.. 2... 3!" Daniel says as he lifts his 4 year old daughter onto one on the plastic horses. 

She squeals as she is raised up and lowered in a soothing pattern. Daniel keeps his hands around her, keeping his little girl safe from falling off. He knows that if he lets go of her, she'll eventually lose her grip and fall right off. Mr. Jones, smiles at his daughter's happiness, he loves seeing his baby girl so happy, only wanting to stay in that moment for forever. 



{10 years later}

(age 14)

She slams the front door, tossing her backpack to the side before stomping into the living room. The young teenage girl throws herself onto the couch and lets out a blood curdling scream into one of her mother's throw pillows. Tears flow from her eyes, yet she still tries to suppress them, not wanting to show herself how weak she had become. 

"Sarah?" she hears her dad's voice. 

She looks up and sees that her father is standing there, a concerned expression written all over his face. 

She groans, throwing her face back down into the pillow, "What do you want?"

"What's wrong?" he kneels down, putting a hand on her back, trying to comfort his daughter. 

She lifts her head, "Joey told me that I wasn't pretty enough!"

"Joey?" Daniel was completely staggered. 

Sarah sits up, "My boyfriend!.. Well... Ex-boyfriend."

"Oh," Daniel lifts himself beside his daughter. "And this Joey said you aren't pretty?"

Sarah nods, tears still falling, "Yeah."

"Well, that's not very nice, is it?" his blood starts boiling with anger. No one calls his daughter ugly. No one. "I'm just gonna have a little talk with him, huh?"

Sarah glances up at her father, "Dad..."

"Nope, no boy hurts my baby," Daniel stands up. "Where does this boy live?"

Sarah shrugs, "I don't know. He said he's coming over to bring me back the stuff I gave him."

"You gave him stuff?" the father of this heartbroken girl was getting even more infuriated. "Isn't he supposed to give you stuff?"

Sarah shakes her head, "He said he's broke even though he just bought himself a new video game for his Xbox."

"Okay, that's it. I'm gonna kill the kid," the man stands up and darts to the door as soon as a doorbell has rung. 

"No, Dad!" Sarah screams, running after him, but it's too late. 

"You savage!" he shouts, opening the door, greeted by a frail teen boy with brown hair, wiped to the side. 

The boy looks up at him, "Sir?"

"Don't call me sir, you don't have the right to call me anything!" Daniel raises his voice even further, causing his daughter's face to burn from behind him. 

"Dad..." Sarah attempts to pull her father back inside the house, but he stands his ground. 

"You broke my baby girl's heart and now something of yours is gonna get broken!" he threatens, finally stepping inside the house and slamming the door in the shocked boy's face. 

Sarah gulps, "Dad, what do you mean something of Joey's is gonna get broken?"

"We're gonna break his Xbox," the father now feels accomplished as he sees a small smile form on his daughter's face. 



{2 years later}

(age 16)

"I know, Dad!" Sarah's frustrated holler fills the car. 

She turns the car into some neighborhood. "No! Turn right!" Daniel yells at his daughter for the five hundredth time this one car ride. 

Sarah is 16 and she still doesn't have her driving license. Both her hand her dad are frustrated with each other. Sarah is not only angry with her father yelling directions at her every second of the stupid drive, but she's angry that she's the only one in her friends group that still doesn't have a license. 

"Turn your blinker on!" Daniel reminds, rather loud. 

Sarah shouts back, "I'm sorry! I forgot! Would you stop yelling at me!"

"I'm trying to help!" her father shoots back. 

The mad teen shrieks, "Well you're not helping in any way!" 

The two of them are quiet and they just ride in an awkward silence. "I'm sorry," Danny mutters, taking a breath from all of the screaming and yelling. 

Sarah sighs, "This sucks. All of my friends have their license and I'm still having to take directions from my dad. I'm such a loser."

"Hey, hey," Daniel puts his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "You're not a loser. No Jones is a loser."

The car parks in front a house that's empty and for sale. Sarah looks up, into her dad's eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm messing up the Jones legacy."

"Oh, no. I think your brother's taking care of that," Dad teases. 

The two of them laugh together, but Daniel returns to talk serious, "I'm serious, Sarah. You're not a loser. You're a super cool person. Don't let anyone tell you different."

"But what if I have to wait till I graduate high school before I get this stupid license?" she worries, tapping her fingers nervously on the steering wheel. 

Danny chuckles, "You'll get your license soon enough, and remember, Sarah, all will be well."

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