Chapter 7: Greeting Grammy

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Niall just left for work, and I'm currently changing out of my runner shorts, and Niall's (now sweaty) tank. I step into the shower and quickly wash up before getting out to get dressed for the day.

Niall's mom, or 'mum' as he pronounces, is coming over today to help with the kids, and also, she hasn't seen them since... Abbie was brand new, but she only stayed for a couple of days before heading back to Mullinger.

The house is already in order for her arrival, and I believe, Greg is coming with his wife, Denise, and their 6 year old son, Theo late tonight. Parker is down stairs I believe watching morning cartoons. Abbie is taking a nap in her crib, and Lukas is chilling in his bassinet by mine and Niall's bed.

I take Luke down stairs and let him wiggle around on his play mat while I send Parker up stairs to get dressed. Niall had dressed Abigail already in a white floral romper. She holds her silver sandals in her hands as she's propped up on the little plastic table the girls use to color and draw, or sometimes eat if they feel like it.

"What are you doing, Abbie?" I ask my daughter as I start to change Lukas' diaper.

She slides off the table and waddles around, the corners of her lips drooping a bit, and her eyes are suddenly sad. "Da-da?" she stammers.

"Awh, honey. Daddy's at work," I tell her in a baby voice.

Her bottom lip starts quivering, "Da-da."

She wobbles over to the front door, "Da-da!"

"Abbie," I sigh getting up to get her.

She cries as I hold her close, "Daddy will be home soon."

"Da-da," she cries in my shirt.

I stand up and keep her in my arms, "Shhh..."

"Da-da!" she screams.

I sit down with her on the couch and begin to sing her lullaby, "Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep my Abbie. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep right now. Your daddy loves you, and your mama loves you, too. Go to sleep my baby girl. Go to sleep right now."

She continues to cry, so I move on to the second verse:

"Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep my Abbie. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep right now. Your family loves you. Heavenly Father, Jesus, too. Go to sleep, my baby girl. Go to sleep right now."

Her sobbing slowly fades and I can soon hear her soft breathing as her head rests against my shoulder. I sit there in silence for a few minutes before Parker comes tumbling down the stairs.

"Mom!" she waves her shirt in the air.

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