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   I gnawed at my cheek as the sun crept on me

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I gnawed at my cheek as the sun crept on me. Sleep was impossible as the whispers of that seemingly perfect night reverberated within my ears. Her tanned skin, her Auburn hair still fresh within my mind. Never would I fully grasp what had happened that fateful night. All I knew was that it would be the first of many mysterious nights to come.

It was the Sunday before school began. Considering I had spent most of the summer listening to Richie ramble on about Street fighter, I was not mentally prepared for the freight train that was at the end of my tunnel—hurtling towards me at a heart-stopping pace. The cool water caused my senses to awaken as I took a second to glance in the mirror.

Selena made me feel a way no one ever had. My alienation had ended the moment I'd swung her into my life. Images of her constantly flashed through my mind leaving me in countless trances. Evenings were spent sinking into my mattress as my friends complained about my antisocial ways. I didn't mind them any attention; I was fascinated. I was slipping farther and farther from reality.

I saw her that very afternoon as I walked into the library with Ben and Eddie. Her hair was straightened, and she wasn't wearing her usual façade. I tried waving a few times but she was nose deep in a Sylvia Plath novel. With a puzzled expression plastered over my face, I walked towards her, tapping her narrow shoulder. "Lena," I whispered as she became startled; she put the book down and sighed heavily, turning to see me. Her eyes instantly trailed down, a disenchanted look within them. "How can I help you?" A shiver traveled down my back as she spoke in a monotonous tone. There was no friendly greeting or feeling of delight in her endless eyes. Her eyes were cold, and her stance was defensive. What had I done to shy her away?

"What's wrong?" I had no time to play a languishing game of Charades. She turned towards the bookshelf once again, evidently uncomfortable. She attempted to get back to work, instantly failing as she gave in and huffed. Her hand gripped onto the wood as she used the other to rub her forehead as if she had a terrible headache. "I shouldn't be seeing you." She took off through the hall as I imprudently followed her around. By now, I had lost both Ben and Eddie, and the library seemed enormous as I scrambled to find the girl.

When I finally caught up to her, she had tears welling in her eyes. I crawled into the corner next to her; she immediately held onto me like a crying child. Her alienation affected me deeply; I had a newfound set of emotions almost intrinsic to her own. A set I had acquired from our time together. It was easy to share love around Selena, and it was equally as hard to be apart from her. It was the anxiety of waiting by the phone and the tranquility of hearing it ring and knowing she awaited on the other side.

"I'm here," I cooed as I cradled her in my arms, "I'm right here." Her tears stained my shirt as she blubbered foreign words. I reclined my head against the wall; how could I ever lose my mind over a girl? Alone can be so unkind. She resurfaced from my chest with a red face, "Yesterday was terrifying, and I haven't been able to wipe it away. It's all I've thought about." Although confident on the surface, Selena was heavily sheltered and had never experienced love firsthand. Not to be mistaken, Selena was mature, but in some senses, she was still a child exploring a new and winding road. I slipped my fingers onto her chin as I guided her view towards me, "yesterday was all I've ever wanted and more." I leaned into her as I placed a kiss on her lips, instantly feeling the shift in her body. The fire between us would burn until it consumed us both, and Selena would remain just as elusive.

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