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     **TW for rape/sexual assault      if you need to sit this one out, feel completely free to, i completely understand 🤍

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**TW for rape/sexual assault
if you need to sit this one out, feel completely free to, i completely understand 🤍

He sweetly took me by the hand, leading me towards his living room. I sat across from the TV as he laid a record on his turntable. I could tell it was old and weary because of the worn-out sleeve, much like my momma's opera records. Unchained Melody played, transporting me back to the stories that she would tell me of her wedding day.

"I'll cut to the chase for your sake," he slipped a pack of Camels from his jean pocket as he offered me one, I nodded no, thinking to myself, I only smoke Reds.

Stan. My mind hadn't stopped wandering off to thoughts of him all night long. As Dallas let his hands roam around me, I became extremely tense. This was becoming increasingly uncomfortable, almost predatory. I soon realized this was a huge misunderstanding, I was undoubtedly trapped.

I forbid those thoughts, convincing myself I'd benefit from this. An ominous cloud of fear loomed over me as he forcefully made me face him, "I really like you, and I understand this is getting ahead of myself here but, I think we should get to know each other better." He lead his lips to mine as he began to devour me, I attempted to push him off me but my hands were no match for his strength.

"Dallas," I gulped as he laid me down on the couch with all of his body weight. His leather jacket hit the ground as his hands rested on my thighs. I was nervous as hell, he had been so fierce and passionate I didn't know what to expect now as he lingered atop me.

"Are you sure-" he breathlessly pressed kisses on my neck and collarbones as he undressed me , "You don't have a boyfriend? no one back home?" I unwillingly wrapped my legs around his waist, not knowing what to do, he slowed down for a minute as he looked me in the eye.

I nodded no and he picked up the pace once more. The guilt tied a knot in my stomach as he continued down my upper torso, my hands gripped onto his hair as my back slid up and down the fabric.

Finally, the thin line of pride snapped, and fear set in, "I can't!". He carefully retired from my body as I buttoned my cardigan up once again, "What's the matter?" I fiddled with the buttons as I got up and darted towards the door.

"Please don't touch me," retaliating to his grip, I frantically used my hands to get him away from me. I was in the home of an older man, whom I didn't know, who was taking advantage of this unfortunate situation.

"I ought to get home, sorry." I saw the same glare was earlier set ablaze in his eyes, except this time it was inherently sinister. He spun me around once more to face his bronzed face, holding me close in his clutch as I prayed for a savior.

His lips began on my skin again as my surroundings closed in. Those hands of his slid underneath my clothing as I began to sob. Struggling to breathe, but most importantly, to push him off me.

He aggressively grabbed me, pinning me against the door as my vision became clouded. I refused to become acquiescent, I didn't want this. My wails became louder and louder as my breath became rationed, "Just let it happen."

The rage in my body flared as he muttered those four words, how dare he be so vile? My tears dried, I refused to let this be the end. His hands were already slipping under the elastic of my underwear, as if channeling a side of me i've never known, I spit in his face.

His hands quickly flew to his eyes and I managed to flip around, unlock the door, and run. I ran for what seemed like an eternity, the corridor was longer than before.

All I saw was red. As if the power had gone out in my mind and the flood lights were tinted. I could feel the bewildered look in my eye as I heard his fast steps behind me.

He caught up to me as I reached for the staircase, before he could grab me, I slammed the door shut in his face as he struck it. Without looking behind me, I continued down the stairs until the freezing air hit my face.

I had left my coat at his place, my body was going numb yet the adrenaline kept me warm. I couldn't breathe, I needed to get to the nearest payphone and call home.

My natural instinct was to dial Stan, that simply led to his machine. I imagined he was out with that new girl, while I was left scarred and disenchanted.

Instead of further torturing myself with diminishing memories, I dialed Beverly's number. She instantly responded, much to my avail. I burst into tears the moment I heard her voice on the other end of the line.

"What's happened?!" I could barely hold back my emotion as I shivered. Trepidation added onto the biting wind, "It's me, Selena, I need a place to stay. I'll explain everything once I get there, i'm sorry, I know this is out of the blue."

Beverly barely knew me, we'd hung out often before the mess I'd made and left for Stan to clean. She understood like no one. She was incredibly nurturing and loving, I couldn't fathom how someone could be so beautiful inside and out.

I knew she could feel the urgency in my voice,

"Of course! No explanation needed, where are you right now?"

"I'm downtown, this is all a huge mistake."

"God, are you safe?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

"Alright, keep warm, and call a cab, write this down."

She gave me her address and I thanked her a million times. This felt nearly apocalyptic, like something that only happened in the movies. I missed my bed, I missed my hateful mother, I missed my wretched home, I missed Stan.

I slipped into that taxi cab, half asleep, with only $50 in my pocket and no sense of stability. Muttering for my momma to come and cradle m like a small child, after all, I was still a kid.

I was still a kid.

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