Falling Like The Stars

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Falling Like The Stars by James Arthur



Faint voices from the kitchen stirred me into consciousness. I tossed and turned to grab my phone from the nightstand to check what time it was. I squinted due to the brightness of the screen, my vision had yet to adjust to my surroundings. 7:15am. It's way too early for someone to be making so much noise, especially when it's still my day off.

My feet dragged my body to the bathroom where I resumed my morning routine. Despite the full eight hours of sleep, somehow my body still feels tired. Even after splashing my face with cold water, it wasn't enough to give me a slight boost of energy. But, I still mustered on.

"What's with all the noi—"

My eyes widened at the sight of Lizzie and Maya in the kitchen with my parents. I couldn't move any of my limbs. I stood a few feet away from them, lost for words. It was like my body didn't know how to react. Then, suddenly, I started overthinking about how I look and if I'm decent. Forget coffee, this was the boost that my system needed.

I'm surprised that they haven't seen me yet, despite making my presence known not too long ago. But, their lack of attention span paid off because I got more than what I bargained for. From afar, my gaze followed Lizzie and my mom making breakfast in the kitchen while conversing about something that's making them laugh. That made me draw a smile on my face.

"Y/N! You're finally awake."

Maya ran excitedly toward me as I bent down to pick her up. I swung her sideways, making her giggle adorably, "What brings you here, little bear?"

"It was mom's idea to come and make you and your parents breakfast."

I glanced at Lizzie, "Oh, really?"

"Yes, she was really excited about coming here." Maya smiled. "She wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas."

"Finally, my daughter is awake." My dad said. "It's about time you join us."

"Don't you think it's a little early to be so energetic?"

"Oh, stop being a downer and help those two over there make pancakes."

When Maya escaped my embrace, I made my way toward the two occupied individuals flipping pancakes. Lizzie's gaze followed mine and we exchanged smiles as she remained conversing with my mom about her garden. It was almost as if I wasn't there, they barely acknowledged my presence as they were still busy in their own little world sharing heartfelt laughter. I wasn't much of a help, but I enjoyed being an audience to their interaction.

"Are you trying to earn brownie points from my parents?" I teased.

"Why? Is it working?"

I chuckled lightly, "Maybe."

"Then, I guess I am."

Lizzie winked at me before joining my parents at the dining table. I blushed a little, the fluttery feeling swarming my body like bees. I followed right after and seated myself right next to her. Her crooked smile made me scrunch my nose as she passed me a plate full of pancakes. I mouthed 'thank you' as she fell into another conversation with my mom.

I caught myself staring more than I intended to. I couldn't resist but admire the way she was interacting with my parents. So carefree and light. It's quite contagious if I do say so myself. What set my heart off was when she reached over for Maya's plate and cut her pancakes into bite size pieces as passion runs in those emerald eyes of hers. The gesture was simple, yet it touched my heart in ways I didn't think it could.

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