Family Lesson

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Bloom's POV

When I spoke to Ashley this was not what I had in mind , we already spoke about it in the pod and no one spoke up and now I have to stay in a bubble with Sky. 
" I'm sorry for losing my temper earlier and not listening to you " , Sky said in a soft voice.
" it's ok I should've probably not even brought it up" I replied.
" I lose my temper a lot these days and I don't act like myself  , more like Riven" , he replied.
"I have a confession to make , don't freak out " , I then said. 
" What ... YOURE GETTING MARRIED TO ANDY" , Sky yelled.
"No .. not that at all ... it's just that ... you're gonna want to sit down for this" I said. 
"What's going on Bloom" , Sky asked worried.
" I don't remember ... I don't remember us dating , I remember you saving me from Darkar but that's it other than that I only remember when we were friends and weren't dating I don't even remember what we did whilst we were on Earth other than running the shop , fighting the wizards and ... Nabu's death", I told him.
"Hey it's Ok , you just need to try and remember and Layla doesn't blame you ... no one does" , Sky told me. 
" But I do ... I blame myself everyday and want to cry every night when I hear Layla crying herself to sleep , last time I got up to drink water and saw her crying while hugging Ashley to feel safe and like she had someone who loved her as much as Nabu did and she'll never have that and it's my fault if I didn't trust Ogron and the wizards he'd still be here and Layla would be happy again , Nabu's gone because of me and she's the one paying the consequences for my actions" , I said wanting to cry.
"Hey ,  Nabu died nobly and he didn't die because of you it was just his time , it would have happened one way or another " , Sky told me.
"I'll feel guilty forever and I'm sure that Layla will never forgive me" , I replied.
There was a silence and out of nowhere Sky told me " even if you don't love me I will forever after". 
I looked at him and he said " oh ... I ... I said that out loud".
"Yep... , I replied.
"We'll try and get us out of here we never know the castle could be under attack" , he blurted out.
"Wait ... since we have all this calm and time why don't we try and meditate ... to steady our minds" I told him.
"Sure" , he replied.
We sat down properly and I then closed my eyes and made my mind blank , I felt so at peace I forgot all about Sky , Andy , saving the world and even me .
I focused on the past , what came before, what happened , I traveled my thoughts from my days in Gardenia to my first night at Alfea , when I fought the Trix , saved the world with the girls from Darkar , when I fought Valtor ... when I fought Valtor ... the first person I saw after waking up was ... Sky. 
I remember when we first held hands , when we were looking at the moon , when he kissed me at the same spot when we were celebrating fighting Darkar , when we came to Earth with the Specialists and had all these problems because of Andy and his band , we went on all these dates together with the others , his face when Nabu announced him and Layla's engagement , his humour and the way he always looked at me with his eyes. I still remember what he told me when I was under Darkar's influence even when I was Dark Bloom I remember that he didn't want to fight me and that he swore to bring me back as I was.
When Dad ( Oritel ) didn't want me to marry him because he was afraid that he'd hurt me and how he disguised himself just to see me.
I remember how brave he was when he helped us save Domino , I even remember each time that he proposed.
He was the perfect guy for me and I just needed to remember it and all that we went through , Sky had always been there and he always kept his word to me.
He is the one for me I had just been to blind to see it
but I was back and ready to love himj forever after.
" I LOVE YOU SKY" , I shouted before hugging him , I hugged him tight , so tight , I wanted him to know that I loved him and that I wouldn't leave him again.
"Duck , please" , I then told him.
"Winx Believix" I shouted to transform.
"FIRE ARROW" I roared breaking our gold prison and we got out , I was ready to call on a dragon wing for Sky but the others had left us a scooter so I detransformed and we went on the motorbike.
It was just like the last time we were here he went supper fast as if he was racing with the wind and the snow.
We arrived at the mountain in less than five minutes and the girls were waiting for us. 
" Just like last time", I asked.
" Just like last time" Flora nodded.
"We'll I'm going up then" Sky said.
"Hey ... be careful" , I told him.
" Don't worry , we made it last time didn't we ( barely ) , we'll just see where the entrance is and we'll come back down" Sky reassured me.
We hugged and he started climbing the vine that Flora made.
"Looks like things are better" , Stella mocked.
"Yes and I'm so sorry for the way I've been acting , I know that I've been distant but I promise that it's s all over now and that things are gonna be just like before" , I said apologising to the girls.
"We'll it's great to have our Bloom back that's for sure" , Stella said as she hugged me. 
"I don't have drinks but I'd toast to that if I could" ,  Layla said.
" Ashley , thank you for taking action and saving me and Sky's relationship, the meditation thing really worked" , I told her privately.
" Any day" , she said with a smile.

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