✨Fighting Someone You Love✨

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Flora's POV

I went up to Helia and he didn't look good nor did any of the Specialists in fact. 

"Helia , it's me Flora" , I said , I tried touching him but he attacked me and I flew back up.

"What do we do Stella" , Layla asked.

"I ... I don't know ... Amber" , she replied.

"They are obviously being controlled but we can't do the convergence again and I can't let Krutika escape , you girls try to find a way to save them and I'll go after my aunt" , she said.

"Our aunt and I'm coming with you" , Layla corrected.

"Please , stay with them remember they are 7 and so are you if I go so please , I promise I'll be fine" , she reassured her.

We hugged all and went out separate ways.

"Let me distract them , Silent echo" , Musa called.

The boys then dropped there weapons and covered there ears.
It hurt to see Helia suffering , I couldn't look at him.

"I think that we can trap them and go help Amber" , Bloom suggested.

She took there weapons and asked us to make a barrier or wall around them.

"Plasma wall"
"Winter Rose"

Me and Layla made a wall that we be sure to hold them off.

We heard a crash and hurried out.

Krutika was on the floor and then disappeared.

"It's a trap" , I said.

A wall then formed in front of us and we heard Krutika's voice.

"Funny girls , you've shown to be cunning but not smart enough" , she then activated a pollen just like Diana's but for fairies.

"Gold atmosphere" , the pollen still managed to get through the barrier and I held my breath for as long as I could but I fell at the spell.

Amber's POV

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Amber's POV

They were all gone except me , did she want me awake.

"Now that it's just me and you Amber Aleisha we can finally talk alone" , she said.

"What if I don't" , I said.

"Then all your friends and your pesky boyfriend will suffocate to death" , she threatened.

"What do you want from me and this planet" , I asked.

"Finally a smart question , I simply want to delete all things that come in my way of power and for that matter power", she laughed.

"I never came in your way I only found out who I was a few weeks ago" , I said.

"But a day was enough for you to come and try and face me , I was actually impressed to see that you survived too bad your mother and father didn't" , she cackled.

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