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Bloom's POV

3 days later

"So the other day was a complete failure what should we do" , I asked Layla. 
"I honestly have no idea and she's out of control , I don't know what she told Blake and Chase but they barely talk anymore" , she replied.
"Maybe we should ask them" , Flora suggested. 
"I'm not sure , talking to teenagers is dangerous these days" , Tecna replied.
"Yeah , I still have back pain" , Roxy added.
"Well we can't stand here and do nothing , Amber is getting stronger everyday and I don't know what kind of training she's doing but it's working" , Layla said. 
"Yeah , remember her stardust whirlwind , well it turned into a tornado" , Bloom explained.
"So that was the strong wind" , Stella said.
"And she also unlocked her dragon , the opposite of mine" , Bloom continued explaining.
"That's great but how do we train with her without getting injured" , Musa asked.
"Well her goal is to save Waves and she knows that she can do it on her own but she needs support , so if we say that we want to help her then she might let us" , Tecna told us.
"That's great but what about Blake and Chase" , I asked.
"They just have to be professional and stop obsessing over her , literally Chase sat with her for a week just looking at her" , Stella said.
"That's called caring Stella he just wanted to be there if she woke up" , Flora replied.
"Anyways , I think that it's better if 2 of us went for each of the boys" , I suggested.
"You and Layla go see Chase , and Flora and I'll go see Blake" , Stella said.
"No problem" , Layla replied.
Layla and I were walking up to Chase's room when she asked " do you think that I'm being hard and mean towards her".
"I'm sure that she doesn't mean that" , I replied.
"What if she did , I'm the only family she's got and I don't want to ruin our relationship" , she said.
"Come on when I came back you two were basically inseparable, she was always hugging you and you'd always be so caring , you love each other and it'll get better , trust me" , I told her.
It's usually not like me to say these sentimental speeches , Flora usually does that.
"It's just that she started becoming a totally different person and I miss the old her , she barely goes out of her room let alone talk , what happened the other day when we tried reasoning with her" , she said.
"She's just having a teenage rebellion" , I replied.
"A teenage rebellion, she literally drinks Starbies , goes to the gym , trains , goes to her room , eats , repeat , does she even eat breakfast and lunch", she asked.
"I have to give it to you , the only time that she dresses decently is at dinner because of my parents , and she still won't talk and ignores all of us" , I replied.
"Let's just hope that it'll stop soon" , Layla responded.
We reached Chase's room and loud music made the door vibrate.
"And you said that they were going to be easy to talk to , all the teenagers appart from Roxy are running mad" , Layla said.
I knocked and the music turned off.
"Enter" , I heard.
We entered the den and Chase was on his desk doing some work.
"Hi , we wanted to talk to you about Amber" , I said.
He instantly turned around and his eyes widened.
"Is she still mad , is she ok will she throw me out if I go talk to her" , he asked.
"Yes , I don't know , don't try" , I replied.
"I just want to know why you have been distant with her and what did she tell you the other day" , Layla asked.
"Well , as you know me and Blake were fighting again and Amber appeared , we were pretty banged up and she healed us , I looked at her outfit and expression and I felt like it was a complete different person in front of me , we asked her which one of us she preferred and in her exact words she said "Look , you are both amazing guys and friends , but I can't be focusing on boys , I have to train and keep my mind steady , I have a mission and don't need distractions" , and since then I never see her other than at dinner and she won't talk or even listen to anything I have to say" , Chase explained.
"That was rough , I feel bad for you" , Layla exclaimed.
"Really , one day she's bubbly and nice and the next she's rude and going through an emo phase" , I replied. 
"Well don't go in her room , it's dangerous in there unless you bring Starbies" , Layla said.
"You know before she went all mean and stuff ... I really liked and felt a connection with her" , Chase then said.
"Me too" , a voice said.
I looked behind me and Chase , Stella and Flora were there too.
"I'm sorry man , I've just been so jealous of you , I met Amber first and forced her to go on a date with me , and when you came I kind of felt like I had competition just like before" , Blake said.
"Honestly I feel exactly the same way , Amber to me was my dream girl and when I met her she was like an angel and now ...
"We need to apologise" , they then both said before sprinting out the room.
"I guess that they're ok" , Flora then laughed.
"Yeah , I bet that they'll be fighting again in an hour" , Layla said.
"Wait they're going to say sorry... , I then realised.
"Do they have Starbies" , Stella asked.
"I don't think so" , I replied.
We then heard yelling and came to the hall , we're Amber and the boys were standing, the Specialists were there too.
"I already told you that I don't need any distractions and that I have a mission to fulfill but since you won't listen" , Amber said.
"Winter Breeze".
At that spell , Blake and Chase flew right out the window and Roxy and I had to go save them before they hit the ground.
"That's it" , Layla yelled , "this is getting out of hand , girls come with me , I need to have a talk with a special someone".
"Are you sure we could just do that never" , Stella replied.

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