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Amber's POV

I had to wait for everyone to wake up to announce the news.

I was looking for everyone to reassemble them.

Once we were all together I explained everything.

"I saw Krutika taking magic from everyone in the kingdom , she's getting stronger that's how her power keeps growing" , I explained.

"That's horrible" , Bloom exclaimed.

"That isn't even the worst part is that when she's done with that she uses hypnosis and makes them her slaves" , I continued saying.

"She plans on leaving Waves very soon for Magix and all the other worlds and do exactly what she's doing on Waves" , I finished.

"How do you know all that" , Tecna asked.

"I wanted to see what was happening on my planet and I found myself there seeing and hearing everything" , I replied.

"I also remember the gift of the Stars , last time we forgot to use it that's why we were so vulnerable" , I told them.

"Well ... what are we waiting for we need to start activating it" , Bloom said.

"Book of Fairies" , Stella called.

A book then appeared and the pages turned to a page with the word Starlix written on it.

"Power of the Stars , fairies who get this gift can fly across the magic dimension through space , bring back worlds and gain great powers , this power stimulates the mind and is easy to unlock , you just need to have the full Believix" , she read.

I then realised that since Stella was the fairy of the Shining sun , Moon and Stars she would be the most powerful out of all of us with this power.

"Stella" , I called.


"You are the fairy of light which includes the stars which means that you'll have more control over this gift , you need to guide us" , I said.

"What me , why can't Bloom" , she said.

"You need to , I feel it" , I said.

"But how bout you do you have the full Believix" , Flora asked.

"I got the gift maybe it was an exception" , I replied.

"Let's try girls" ,  Musa then said.

"Winx Starlix" , we all yelled.

( stars , stars , stars , stars , stars .... Light of universe , light of the sky , 8 new lights shining bright , saving lives , Winx , Winx Winx
Powerful , wonderful, beautiful, stars shining bright , Winx). 

We transformed and got new outfits.

My book of fate then appeared and so did Blooms as for the others the Book of fairies turned its pages again.

Mine did too and when it stopped I saw all my new spells.

Some of my old ones were there , mostly my light spells.

"I got all my old spells even some Enchantix ones and a few new ones that's it" , Stella exclaimed

"Amber was right , your old spells came back because you needed them while we got new ones and a few of our Believix" , Bloom replied.

Stella nodded and we went outside.

"Let's see how fast we can fly" , I said.

Winx : The Last Infinity FairyWhere stories live. Discover now