✨The Past✨

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Flora's POV

Amber had asked us to come together in the living room but we had no idea why , last time I saw her (20 minutes ago) , she wasn't ok at all.

I sat next to Helia and when everyone had arrived Amber sat down and Chase tried comforting her but she pushed him back furiously.

"You must all be wondering why I gathered you here" , Amber asked in a weak smile.

No one replied except for Riven who looked worried , "yeah what's wrong".

She took a deep breath and opened her moth at the same time a tear dropped from her eye.

"Sorry ... , she said embarrassed.

I got up and held her hand , "it's ok you can tell us we won't judge you". 

She smiled and stared narrating.

"As you know I was raised on Earth by my adoptive parents Jane and Steven , we lived in France for a couple years and then moved to Gardenia , when we did move they started changing , they wouldn't treat  me well anymore and made me their maid , I missed school a lot and when I didn't do things right Jane would put my head underwater , sometimes I thought that I would die down there ... " , she the paused to wipe her tears.

"Sorry ... she would also beat me and once took a flat iron and pressed it behind my back because I burned her dress by accident , I was 8 , I still have the mark ,  Steven became an alcoholic and would come home drunk , Jane couldn't be bothered so I had to drag his drunk self on the couch every night almost , I also have scars from that because he would fight back and sometimes have glass shards on his hands" , she stopped again to wipe her nose and eyes.

"That went on for 7 years almost and by then I only wore hoodies and long clothes to hide my scars even though I longed to wear a short skirt or a crop top , that wouldn't be possible , my adoptive parents told me that the foster care system was even worse and that few people got picked out and that even if they took me away , they would find a way to get me back ... one day when I was 13 my ...

A lot of tears then streamed down her cheeks and she cried.

Everyone was shaken up already , how could it get any worse from that.

No one was talking and we could only hear Amber's  muffled cries. 

She then got up and wiped her face again , she had the saddest look on her face and eyes were puffy from all the crying.

"He came home and I asked what he was doing so early , he told me that he had to give me some money  in his room and that I would have to go to the market and buy some salmon for dinner , I went into his room and he locked the door , I was confused and then ...

She took another deep breath and another tear dropped and another and she didn't wipe them this time .

"He took my hand and started touching me , not in a friendly way but in the worst way possible ... he started to sexually abuse and physically abuse me regurlaly, I was in a dark place and went through depression , Jane knew very well what was happening but didn't care ... I thought that as a woman she would help me but no ... from 13 to when you guys found me it was like that ... the scar that you saw Bloom was not from the wizards but from Jane who wanted to punish me for coming home late ... I hide my scars thanks to an illusion but they hurt even the oldest ones and they remind me everyday of what I went through ... thanks for listening" , she said before getting up.

She ran away before we could do anything and we finally understood why she wanted to make her real parents proud and be the strongest , to hide her old self and what she used to be , she had PTSD and that's what made her do all these crazy things before.

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