✨I Feel The Power Of The Ocean✨

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Layla's POV

This morning Amber came down to the kitchen not with her usual smile and "good morning" , but with puffy eyes and eye bags , she was very calm and didn't sit down instead she took a plate and went back upstairs.

No one dared to say anything not even Riven or Stella , imagine , she had trusted us and her best friend did exactly what she was afraid of and then she killed him.

"I'll go eat with her" , I declared.

"Can I come too" , Chase pleaded.

"Sure , do you have Starbies for her" , I asked.

"Always" , he replied pulling out a bag full of drinks.

"So I bought loads ... girls take the one you want I'm just keeping Berry's favourite".

We were upstairs to the last floor and he finally spoke.

"So ... why did you kill him exactly"

"We didn't kill him , Amber did he was a spy and knew too much if it landed in the hands of the Trix or the Eraklyon government other than Sky it would create havoc they would all be looking for that same thing , and plus he tried to kill us we just wanted to take his glove with what he almost killed us with but ... we had to take it to the extreme" , I explained.

"I'm not very sad because at least Amber won't have to suffer from him but ... it must've been hard killing him for her even though he was a jerk , she cared about him".

I knocked at her door and opened it to hear soft cries and hiccups , I could see her plate , she hadn't touched it but I couldn't see her , I finally spotted her hair and went towards her , she was in a corner.

"Don't come close Layla , I don't want to hurt you too" , she sobbed.

"I didn't want to kill him but my stamina just went up and I couldn't control myself I felt too strong , I didn't even realise that it wasn't a dream until this morning".

"Berry look I'm sure that you didn't mean to but you did and you can't turn back time so you have to move on and fight to bring back the Crystal Palace, find the keys and bring back your parents , life will get hard but that's why I'm here" , Chase then told her.


It's like he didn't care so he just went on talking

"I already asked you yesterday but do you want to get your mind off things and go on a date" , he asked.

She turned her head indicating that she didn't want to.

"I already told you my answer yesterday"

"What are you my girlfriend for then , we never go in dates , you don't let me give you nicknames and it's like I annoy you every time I'm in the room"

"You finally noticed"

"Amber you have to don't worry we'll be looking for the keys you go have fun" , I assured.

"But I don't want to" , she whispered.

"I know but you have to take your mind off things"

"Ok but just because you asked"
"I'm a bit hungry I'll go eat downstairs" , she then told us.

"Ok but wash your face and drink lots of water" , I told her.

She nodded and we left the room.

A few minutes later ✨

Amber still hadn't come down and I was getting worried but then she came down looking so cute.
I could see that she done a face mask and put some eye mask to remove her eye bags.
She had a soft smile one, she hasn't genuinely smiled in 2 days.

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