✨The Duel✨

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Musa's POV

We were all waiting for Blake and Amber to come down.
Riven who was as usual overconfident suggested that " he had chickened out".
It was 2 more minutes before they arrived.
When they did they were both laughing and smiling at each other.
"We are so sorry for the wait" , Amber apologised. 
"No worries , the duel between Specialists Riven and Trainee Blake of Eraklyon shall now begin" , King Oritel said.
"You shall pick one weapon between the three present" , the king continued saying.
Riven took his trusty sword and Blake chose a sword.
"The duel shall now commence", the king stated.
Riven was not being easy on Blake but he was tough too.
They both fought hard with their swords and at one point Blake slid right under Riven and kicked him from the back.
My boyfriend then jumped back up angrily and started going in circles , they both dropped their weapons and started attacking each other with punches and kicks.
It felt like watching polar opposites fight.
There was just one round left both had won one and this round was a tie - breaker. 
"This round will be a arm wrestling match" , King Oritel announced.
We then all went to a table and we sat down , Blake and Riven seated opposite from each other.
They extended their arms and fought hard , Blake seemed to have trouble with this round and Riven wasn't being so kind about it too.
At one point I thought that he was going to lose and then just before his hand touched the table Blake lifted his hand up and slammed Riven's hand on the other side.
Blake had won to Riven. 
Everyone seemed exited , except for Riven and Amber.
As soon as he had won Blake went up to her and whispered something to her ear and they left.

Amber's POV

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Amber's POV

"So do I get my prise" , Blake whispered in my ear.
"I guess" , I replied.
"Let's go then it's not too far , just wear something warm" , he told me.
"I'll meet you here in 10 minutes", I asked.
"Sure" , he replied.
I went upstairs to the room and the girls were already up h there.
"Ok , don't freak out but , Blake made a bet that if he won , he would take me on a date and I was sure that wasn't going to and he did so now I have to wear something warm and go somewhere with him in 10 minutes " , I blurted out.
I probably should've kept my mouth shut because the girls started screaming and talking loudly. 
"What are you going to wear" , Stella asked.
"I don't know" , I replied.
"Where are you going" , Musa asked.
"I don't know"
"Are you happy about it" , Flora asked.
"I don't know, I'm just scared that it's going to ruin our friendship and we've barely been friends  and he asked me out and ... I think that things are going too fast" , I replied.
"Hey , don't worry it's just a date ... wait is this your first date" , Layla asked.
I nodded and the girls pushed me into the bathroom and kept giving tips , outfits and overall it was chaos.
I opted for a gold and periwinkle dress which kind of matched with my transformation.
Stella then moved on to doing my hair and went for a natural curl with pearls.
When I looked myself in the mirror I could barely recognise myself.
"Thanks girls , this is too much" , I told them.
"Nope , not at all now don't keep him waiting too long" , Musa told me.
I went downstairs and sure enough Blake was waiting for me right where I'd left him.
"Wow .... Amber ... you look ... wow" , he said when he saw me.
"Stop drooling let's go" , I told him.
He tried holding my hand multiple times and I kept making excuses not to.
"You know sometimes I feel like failure , I didn't even know my real name before last week, I was always a loner , didn't have any friends, my parents never gave me attention and gave me a bunch of chores to do after school, and now all of a sudden I'm a fairy Princess , witches and wizards are after me , I have a Queendom to save and I'm the most powerful fairy in the universe, I'm happy that my life's not dull anymore but this is too much change" , I said.
"Hey , I'm sorry that this happened to you but look on the bright side , you have powers , have supercool friends , travel all around the universe , you're gonna find your parents and bring back your world and most importantly you met me , your number 1 fan" , he said reaching for my hand and I didn't stop him this time.
"Thanks , Blake I really needed that , but are we there yet" , i asked. 
"Yep , we're still in the castle garden but their is a place that I wanted you to see" , Blake replied.
"Where" , I asked.
"Just close your eyes and don't open them till I say so" , he told me.
I did what he told me and closed my eyes , we then walked for about 5 minutes before he told me that I could open them.
We were at a large tree that glowed , it was beautiful and around it was soft snow that melted when we walked on it.
"Do you wanna sit" , Blake asked.
I nodded and we both sat on the grass.
"Thanks Blake , I thought that coming was going to be a mistake but you proved me wrong" , I told him.
"I'm happy that you did too" , he replied.
"Why" , I asked.
"Well you kind of are my first friend , you see back at the orphanage I had anger issues and would always fight with this guy called Chase ... we're frenemies , anyways because of that no one wanted to be around me and I was left alone before King Oritel came to make a visit and he found me in the middle of a fight , I impressed him and he took me in as his apprentice" , he explained.
"Wow , I didn't know that King Oritel fostered you" , I told him.
"How come I didn't see you last time we came" , I asked.
"Oh , these days I'm quite shy and I was busy studying" , he replied.
Right then my stomach started rumbling.
"Looks like someone's hungry , come on I know a place where we can get snacks" , Blake took my hand and we were on our way.
"What's the place called" , I asked.
"Sparks baking goods" , he said.
"Destination Sparks baking goods" , I yelled out
"Orbital key"
Right then a portal opened and Blake reluctantly went in.
"Is it safe" , he asked.
I just pushed him in and in less than a second we were in front of the bakery.
"Wait let's wear something a bit more appropriate" , I said as I cast a spell to change our clothes.
I changed Blake into a leather jacket , blue jeans and a dark top as for me I wore a black top , Jean jacket , a frizzy skirt with lots of layers and thigh high boots.
"Let's go now" , I said as I followed him in.
The place was so cute and kawaii , the desserts looked so good and I couldn't wait to try them.
"What will you be having miss" , the waitress asked once we were seated.
"Can I please have the 10 chocolate cupcakes and the triple cheeseburger please" , I asked.
"And how bout your boyfriend here" , she turned to Blake.
"Oh he's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend ... we're just friends" , I stumbled.
"Hmm ... anyways what will you be having sir" , the waitress continued.
" I'll have the burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake" , Blake replied.
The waitress went with our orders and we spoke whilst waiting.
"So what do you do when you're not studying" , I asked.
"Oh ... I mostly go out to town and help whoever needs my help , nothing compared to what you do , how bout you" , he asked.
"Oh well , since the wizards came I didn't really have time to study I mostly fought and when I wasn't I helped the girls with the shop downstairs ... oh and I also go to the magic dimension sometimes" , I told him.
"Well your life isn't dull that's for sure" , he mocked.
"Yep ... and I like it that way if life is dull there's no excitement so no fun , believe me i know " , I replied.
"I'll toast to that , and by the way you're a foodie" , he joked.
"You'll regret that" , i laughed.
"Here are your burgers cupcakes and milkshake" , the waitress said as she gave us our food.
"Thank you", we both said.
"You know what this date is the opposite of what I thought it would be like" , I said.
"I'm happy about it" , Blake said with a smile.
I smiled back and we ate our food.
"I think that I ate too much I can't even finish these cupcakes" , I said.
"How bout you give them to your friends I'm sure that they'll appreciate it" , Blake suggested.
"You're right I'll just ask the waitress to put them in a box" , I asked.
I called the waitress and she took the cupcakes along with her and came back with a box with them inside.
"Thank you , miss" , I said before leaving and we were on our way.
"Destination Domino's Castle" , I whispered
"Orbital Key"
The portal came back and this time Blake was a bit more confident about going inside the portal.
We arrived inside the corridor which separated our rooms.
"Thank you for tonight it was really fun" , I thanked him.
"Thank you for coming ... I also had fun" , he replied.
"Well ... I better bring the cupcakes to the girls ... I'm sure that they've already smelled them by now" , I told him.
"Yep ... and Brandon must be waiting too I promised to play video games with him when I came back" , he told me.
"We'll see you tomorrow" , I said.
We then went our way.

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