✨Old Thoughts and Fears✨

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Bloom's POV

I thought about it , Alexander said that Queen Aisha sent Amber to Earth and a couple minutes later they got ambushed which must've not given her much time to hide the keys , which must mean that they are scattered around the castle area , but if they fell in the ocean they could be anywhere.

"Listen girls your mother had very little time to scatter the keys which must mean that they are somewhere around the castle not on the grass , but in the ocean or sky" , I said.

"What do you mean sky" , asked Tecna.

"Think about it , Krutika is a very impatient person and she must've not looked for the keys a long time before giving up , I thought about it , the light from the prophecy, it can be us , Amber or the keys and where does light come from" , I asked.

"The sky" , they all exclaimed.

"And remember on Solaria Stella there is a light in the sea , there are a couple options , the stars that surround this area , the sun , the sky and the ocean" , I said.

"I say that we first check the sky since it was your first option" , said Amber.

"Winx Starlix".

We flew up to the sky at the intersection between space and the planet but not at the atmosphere.

"Wait look" , said Flora.

We saw the atmosphere thickening like a flood and then a door formed.

"I think that you're on to something Bloom" , said Layla.

The door opened but it was too small.

"Just like at the red tower , maybe we need to miniaturise" , proposed Musa.

"Mini Winx" , we all pronounced the fairy dust then sprinkled on us and we all miniaturised.

We then walked through the door and it closed.
I then looked behind me and no one was there just like in obsidian I was all alone.

"Stella , Layla , Flora , Tecna , Roxy , Musa , Amber" , I called.

Silence ...

I was all alone , I didn't have anyone.
I walked and ran but it seamed infinite , we weren't in Limbo , that was for sure but we were separated.

"WINX" !!!


No response , I thought about it.
I always thought that I was a normal girl until I met Stella and arrived at Alfea , I found out I was a fairy and the most powerful fairy in the magical dimension and now I dropped to second place.
How could I , I fought wizards , witches , ancestral souls and more and Amber comes along and steals my spot.

"If you can't be the strongest fairy then how on Earth will you keep Sky" , I heard a familiar voice ask.

I looked and there was Diaspro with her grin.

"What are you doing here Diaspro" , I asked. 

"Isn't obvious I'm here to silence you and get the love of my life back" , she replied.

"Sky is mine" , I said.

"And he's also a simp he doesn't deserve you , I saw what you did to him , his heart must've been in pain but he stayed for you" , she said.

"Exactly I love him and so does he , him waiting for me proved that nothing can come between us so give up Diaspro" , I yelled.

"Never , Gem Laser" , she called.

Winx : The Last Infinity FairyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz