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A week has gone by and Saito was able to take a little break from work. It seems that demons aren't trying to step in the town. And good news! Tanjiro made a full recovery and was able to go back to his orginal strength.

Saito also overheard that Tanjiro's swordsmith is very very angry about him. And even sent Tanjiro death threats, cursing the young boy to death. That also reminded Saito that her blade needed a good sharping, and she doesn't really like anyone to do her blade other than her swordsmith.

And also Mitsuri said to her that she'll be in the village. It's great news that Mitsuri will be there, It's been over a week since Saito had seen her friends. A couple of Kakushis arrived infront of Saito's Inn, She stepped out and nodded to them. It will be a long journey.


After receiving the horrifying letters from Haganezukawa-san. Kiyo suggested that Tanjiro should visit the village.

"I think you should meet him in person and talk things out." Kiyo explained as they munch away, eating rice crackers for snack.

"The Village?"

"All swordsmith live there."

"Wait. Can I go there?"


A female kakushi knocked on the door of the Butterfly Estate. They opened the door and took the queue to introduce herself.

"Hello there. I will guide you yo the village since Oyakata-sama gave his permission."

Tanjiro stepped out and respectfully bowed infront of her. "Very nice to meet you! My name is Kamado Tanjiro. I hope we can get along."

"I cannot give you my name since I'm serving as your guide. But it's nice to meet you. Okay here." She responded amd handed out Tanjiro a piece of cloth.

And of course everyone was confused and Tanjiro asked why. She explained that it is a blind fold and earplugs. Since the village is hidden, She will carry Tanjiro on her back. That kinda is hard, Tanjiro is 61 kilograms. Hesy heavy.

"And also I heard your sense of smell is very good, so here. Nose plugs." She then shoved plugs right at his nose. All of his sense where blocked pther than his sense of touch and taste.

She scooped him on her back and went on to dropping him off to the village. Let's have a quick explaination about the Hidden Village. Im order to protect the villar from demon attacks, its whereabouts is kept a secret. So naturally the female kakaushi doesn't know where it is either.

Every time they travel a set distance, Tanjiro will get passed to the next Kakushi. On top of that, both paths and Kakushi frequently get changed. As the Kakushis make their way to the next one, they are being guided by crows as even the crows frequently get swapped out.

And apparently, the mansion Oyakata-sama lives in is disguised by even more complicated means. Oh man, smart people are amazing.

Whenever Tanjiro got passed over, He always said something like a simple thanks. All the helpers felt all fuzzy inside.

After a few minutes the young slayer was plopped on the ground. He took off the blindfold and a beautiful village greeted him. It's very large and quiet, very peaceful and clean.

"Those are amazing buildings!! And I know that smell!! There's a hot spring nearby!!" Tanjiro eyes sparkled from enthusiasm, it's very adorable and innocent like.

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