Teenager / Kyun

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(You Make Me A) Teenager

It's been a while since Changkyun went to a party. A huge party, not a movie night with friends. He likes to hang out with his friends. But parties always make him kind of anxious. All those people, the loud music, socializing... not quite his strength. But... even though he hates the thought of going there he can't help but have this incredible feeling of butterflies in his stomach. Because you will be there too.

Changkyun has no idea when it started, when he fell in love with you. But he knows exactly when he noticed his feelings. A couple of months ago, your closest group of friends went to the lake together - he already felt some kind of way when you sat in front of him in a bikini - even though it was definitely not the first time he saw you like this. He caught himself watching you more than he wanted to admit. What stressed him out the most about this was, that it wasn't your boobs or your butt his gaze wandered to. It was... the way you moved your hands, your laughter, the way you often kinda zoned out, lost in your thoughts... the way your wet skin covered in goosebumps when there was a sudden wind blowing over the lawn.
It would've been so easy if it was just his lust got you. Cause lust passes eventually. But it's was more.

And then there was this moment when he showed Hyungwon some pictures he took with his new analog camera. Suddenly he felt your chin rest on his shoulder from behind. Only seconds later you took one of the pictures out of his hand and looked at it. You complimented his talent, gushed about the beautiful scenery. He felt his body stiffen under your touch - a touch that was pretty normal for the both of you ever since you were teenagers. But this time... he couldn't help but stare at you. The way your still wet but curly hair fell into your face, the way your eyes sparkled in the bright light, the way the sun revealed the little freckles on your nose, made his stomach turn over. Not in a bad but in a breathtaking way. His heart raced incredibly fast and for a long time, he thought this was just the cause of missing someone's closeness after being single for so long. But eventually, he realized, he didn't want just anyone's closeness. He wants yours. And only yours.

For years you were like a little sister to him. For years you both flirted playfully, for years there were soft touches and cuddles and interactions but he never felt more than the urge to protect you from the cruelty of this world, never felt more than the purest form of friendship for you. And now... now he has these deep-ass feelings for you. Feelings he'd consider as love. And he has no idea if you feel the same. It's needless to say that he's confused as fuck...

When he arrives at Joo's birthday-party he's shocked at how many people are there. It's actually no surprise, Joo has always been a very popular dude, but Kyun kind of thought in your mid-twenties, parties wouldn't be this important anymore. He thought people would, just like him, enjoy being at home, alone. He obviously was wrong. It took him some time until he found his closest friends by the bonfire in the backyard. One thing is definitely different than when they were young: The people have more decency. They stand together in little groups, drinking whiskey or Lillet, fancy drinks, not to get wasted but because it tastes good, and talk about work, investments, relationships... things that bore Kyun today as much as they did then.

"Kyuuuniiiie!", he suddenly hears and can't help but smile before his eyes wander through the guests, looking for your face. And there you are. With a beaming smile, you almost run towards him, and again he sees the 14-year-old y/n in your face. He's overwhelmed by your appearance. But he can't point out what exactly it is. That cute summer dress? The way you're wearing your hair? He has no idea.

Smiling you wrap your arms around him and pull him into a tight hug. Gosh. You smell so good.

"What took you so long?", you pout playfully and he chuckles.

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