The 'False' Equestria

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In a land far away, a fair country ruled by two regal sisters, a land full of ponies and happyness. Exploring the adventures of friendship and the true values of living. Lovable characters play and live in complete tranquility. A place where the only way problems are solved is through the magic of friendship. I am afraid to tell you this, but this is what they want you to believe. I think you'll find the truth alot more horrifying. Equestria is not as it seems. The elements of harmony have been lost for what would seem like eternity. The monarchy tries to brainwash foals and other young ponies into believing the world was as it once was. A place full of happiness. This is not the case.

Equestria has been in a state of decay for many years now. The brutal ownership of the two royal sisters has been going on for far too long. They're refusal to give up power has led to many...arguments..and now they envoke fear as opposed to kindness. The ponies who rebelled were crushed by their authority and now the country is in a state of pre-anarchy, the government at the brink of collapse.

Crime has also increased. Due to many ponies failing to comply with the new strict rules set up, many do what they must to cope with life. Massive drug trafficking rings and setups have gone unoticed for years, and the equestrian royal guard arent bothered about hurting people anymore. Large sums of cocaine and other drugs and shipped in weekly into Manehatten. The gangs that now control the city fight for these shipments, and anypony who is foolish enough to get caught between them ends up dead, their body left in a ditch.

The story that is about to unfold may not be pleasant, but it is true. How do I know? Because my name is Arlo Kotov, and this is the story of me finding my somepony...

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