Accident Actions

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I lunged forwards. I wanted to tear this pony limb from limb and get my sonepony back. I wanted to be done with all of this. It was fustrating, and the sense of loss kept the void in my heart from filling.

I would have grabbed him and killed him...if it weren't for Blackheart holding my shoulder at the last minute. I jolted backwards and was forced to the ground, Blackheart flapping above me with her wings.

"Thats not him." She said.

I let out hot, angry breaths. How could it not be him?

"Advocite usually enters through the back door, incase one of his enemies wants to kill him. That guy there is a puppet. A pony Advocite used his magic on to hollow out his soul and do his bidding."

I let out an angry sigh. It was abit stupid now that I looked back on it.

"So when would Digital and that get back?" I asked.

"I dunno." Said Blackheart, landing and looking at her wings. "Your the one with the horn."

She gestured at it with a friendly smile, before taking off and flying around the place. I looked up at my brown horn inbetween my black mane. I shut my eyes. This spell was difficult. It envolved seeing through another unicorns eyes. In my mind, I moved the various runes around that would require me to perform the spell. I held three in place in my minds eye. I focussed, and a few seconds later I shut my eyes and could see.

It was like being in a dream, nulled sounds were incapable of being picked up and made out, and everything was blurry. I could make out Messy and Skye standing next to me, and Blue Flame on my right. I nodded at Blue Flame and he walked into a room. This place, the auction, was a bustling hive of activity. Filled with ponies of varying sizes and species, all were making it too the front of a crowd, where a large blue pony on a plinth stood.

"Right then. So first up.." he started.

I watched for a short while. Digital made a few bids for large crates here and there, but nothing too interesting. It was only at the end something interesting happened. When everypony was leaving, Digital went over to the corner and started talking to a pony in a black cloak, all features masked. I watched as Digital lead this pony away, over to the doors Blue Flame was behind. Most of the ponies had gone now, or were just leaving. Nopony was around.

After a muffled conversation, the pony in black faced Digital. All that could be made out were two large, yellow eyes under a hood. I felt angry, but I had to keep it under control. A simple change in feelings could alter the spell dramatically. I kept my calm. I saw the doors open behind the black pony and Blue Flame slipped stealthily out. He raised his front hooves and grabbed the pony in black around the mouth, muffling any screams. The Black pony squirmed like a fish out of water, trying to rid himself of Blue Flame's iron grip. Blue Flame started to tred backwards, pulling the Black pony into the darkness of the room he had previously been in. Digital followed and shut the door behind him. Did our plan just work? Digital lit up the end of his horn, revealing the room Blue Flame had been in had been in was some sort of supply cuboard. Blue Flame let go of the stallion and he started shouting. Digital looked down at his hooves and slid on a set of golden knuckle dusters. He looked at them, admiring them for a second before, quick as lightning striking the Black pony. He fell to the floor as I felt a surge of happiness pulse through me, heart pounding. Then the vision started to fade, my head hurt. Oh no, I had altered the runes by accident, and all I could think about is where Digital and Blue Flame were. White was filling my vision..oh no..


"Um..Arlo? What are you doing here?" I head Digital say. My eyes snapped open and I found myself in the very supply cupboard with Advocite. I turned to Blue Flame who was open mouthed. I let out a sigh and muttered.

"Oh fuck."

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