Manehatten Harbour

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Arriving at the harbour, we saw how much of a dismal place it was. The exit of the station we now stood over looked down a street with the sea at the end. A large ship - a tanker was drawing close. White paint rusting away was staining the sides of it's unmaintained hull. The tall buildings had been replaced with large warehouses of corrugated iron. Storage crates were scattered here and there and bulky ponies were organising boxes and moving them to differant locations. The sky was grey and dull, slightly constipated with rain.

"The shipments arrive on that big ship there, and the auction is in that warehouse there." Said Digital as he pointed to the largest warehouse, some fifty meters from where we stood. A crowd was gathering, as several pegasi with wings buzzing were hovering over.

Suddenly a purple unicorn in a black hoodie galloped over, hood up. A red and brown mane was in a short fringe and it spirialed behind her in a tail.

"Hey Digital...have you the um.." she said.

Digital let out a long sigh.

"Yes..yes I do." Holding up two packets of sweets.

"Th..thank you Digital." She squealed, hiding them in her hoodie.

"I dont see why you buy them from me, you could buy them from a shop anywhere."

"You sell them cheaper." She smiled, breifly looking at the rest of us. I smiled breifly and her face dropped to an unamused smile. I lit a cigarette and she handed digital a single bit before trotting off.

"That was..weird." said Messy. We followed Digital over to a warehouse door. He opened it and looked inside, checking for ponies who might not want want us there. He then led us inside and shut the door.

"Right, I am going inside the auction. Blue Flame come with me, you can act as security. May wanna take the box off though.."

"I would rather die." Protested Blue Flame.

"And Messy, Skye or Blackheart, I need one or two to come along. I need your..expertise.."

"My what?" Said Blackheart.

"Act like a hooker." Said Messy to Blackheart.

"What! No!" Said Blackheart.

Messy sighed and stepped over to Digital.

"Basically, this is what we need to do to get advocite out of hiding."

"I will go?" Said Skye with caution.

"Good!" Said Digital. He stepped forwards and took off Skye's Glasses.

"Um." She said with caution. Messy scowled as she started taking off her hoodie and unbuttoning her shirt 3 buttons, revealing the very top of her bra.

"Right. We all ready?" Said Digital.

An unresponsive agreement followed as they left. I took two steps before Blue Flame Stopped me.

"It will be safer if you stay here." He said. I nodded and sat down while Blackheart took off and started dowing somersaults.

How long had it been? An hour? It was cold and my hooves were going numb. Blackheart and I hadn't really talked much. We were both too tired. I had sat down and had been practising my teleportation skills. It is alot harder than it looks. You must see the place you want to be in your minds eye, before then concentrating a certain amount of magical power and then releasing it properly. I had done it once properly, from one end of the warehouse to the other, and then my horn had started to hurt. For longer distances the more pain was brought. I looked up and saw Blackheart gliding peacefully around before landing on a metal support in the ceiling.

It was windy. It howled at the warehouse we used for protection and drowned out any outside noise. But not all - around an hour and a half I heard the distinctive noise of a mass teleportation. A kind of buzzing. Curious, I went to open the door. Opening it a peak I saw around seventeen ponies of varying breed and colour. But I only knew one. The middle one. Black as a nightmare and a long horn around 30 centimeters, I knew this to be Advocite. I could feel it. The hatred burnt inside me. I felt like I wanted to yell and scream. All I felt was Blackheart put her hoof on my shoulder as I took a step to charge.

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