A team? Guess so...

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//A.N. Having read chapter 9 of Awkward Broccoli (shout out to the AMAZING xox_blackheartz_xox for writing that, great stuff) It made me realise how important character development, relationship development and most importantly friendship (what? This is MLP afterall..) can be to make your story more interesting. So just saying, gonna have to up my game here, and enjoy!//

I strolled with Luna down a pathway in the forest, the purple clouds swirling lazily across the sky like whales in the ocean. There was complete isolation, save Luna and I. Her regal voice cut through the silence like a knife through butter.

"So thy new colleges...they are...trustworthy?" She said.

"Not really. All criminals. I shouldn't trust 'em." I replied.

"But thou trusts one.."


"What are thou opinions of them?"

"Well, um." I started.  "Digital does seem abit untrustworthy, but has good intentions. Blue Flame has very strong opinions of whats right and wrong, not always needed or useful however. Messy is...well, messy. Skye I dont know an awful lot about.."

"And Blackheart..?" Asked the Princess.

I paused, unaware of what to say.

"I dont know." I said eventually.

"Well.." Said Luna, stopping in her tracks and looking at me. "You certainly have fun around her."

"I have a partner..I will admit I dont really need Blackheart, but I like her around. Maybe I do like her afterall."

"Maybe. Yet again maybe not'"

"Why can't you just give me a straight answer?" I said, scowling.

"Because we don't need too."


"We Alicorns are gods amonst ponies, thinking of life as a game. Of course we won't give you a straight answer, we want you mortals to figure it out."


"How do you think Celestia has been in power so long? We are immortal. It is better we don't get attached to anyone. I can only imagine Cadence' heartbreak when Shining Armour dies and she can't save him. Same with Twilight.."

"Sounds like alot of waiting around."

Luna chuckled.

"I have done my waiting. Fifty years on the moon."

"That was real?"

"Why would it not be?"

I sighed, looking down at the floor.

"What you forget Arlo, is that all of these ponies are who they are due to their pasts."

I could feel wind ruslting. Out feet were moving fast, the trees whizzed away as did the path. We were now in a celestrial complex, stars gleaming against the solar system. It had taken no time at all. I couldnt really remember much, I was dreaming afterall, but it was easy to grasp the beauty of it. Several doors we hastily approaching, and I hadn't even moved my feet.

"Who do you want to see first?"


"Let's look at Blue Flame shall we?" She said, opening a door.

Stepping inside, we were in a large room, some kind of play room. Toys were scattered around the floor, as well as a few boxes. It was night time, but the window was open. Blue light filled the room. Luna stood in the centre, eyes fixed on the door in the corner. I entered and stood beside her, nearly tripping over a stuffed brown pony on the floor. I could here padding getting louder. The door burst open, and a small white colt with stubby legs and a blue windswept mane galloped into the room. He was crying his eyes out, not looking where he was going. He ran into the centre of the room and started looking. The child then ran into the corner and hit, whining under a box.

"Can he see us?" I asked, feeling sorry of seeing somepony so young in such sadness.

Luna didnt speak, and kept her eyes fixed on the door. A few moments later a taller, broader pony walked in a knife in one hand. He too was crying, but it was less apparent.

"Hey Blue..this isnt the time to play hide and seek.." he said.

Sadness and fear gripped my throat as felt a lump form in it.

This pegasus walked around, looking under boxes and behind curtains. Hearing Blue Flames wimpers was demoralizing. Poor thing. He must've been scared out of his mind. Not realizing what was happening.

Blue Flames father put his knife down on the carpet and looked under a wardrobe.

"Blue? You there buddy?" He said.

Like a dart from a blowpipe, short wings buzzing, Blue Flame cantred across the room, tears flying behind him. He grabbed the knife in his teeth and lept on his father, knife plunging straight inbetween his father's wings. He yelled as Blue Flame hopped off and stood back in horror at what he had done. Wings out stretched, hooves in the air, the father then collapsed. Blue Flame rushed over to his side, stopped crying.

"Daddy..are you asleep? I saw you do it too mummy and put her too sleep. You scared me. Sleep well daddy." He said in a squeaky voice as he then started playing with his toys.

I was speechless. This was horrifying. I could barely breath. Luna lead me shaking out of the door.

"Perhaps someone else? Blackheart perhaps?"

I didnt say anything as Luna opened another door and lead me inside. This was differant. We were hovering, standing on air. A single, small cloud was here. Heavy rain poured down and they cloud was stained grey by the evening light. Two pegasi, one blue with a black mane, the other white with a red mane were standing facing each other. They were holding something, white and wrapped in a blanket. We could barely make out what they were saying.

"Look, we must do this. We need to leave her." Said one.

"But she is our daughter! We can't do this!" The other protested.

"Maybe your right...but still.." one of them said, putting the blanket down on the cloud and kissing it on the forehead.


And with that, the two pegasi flew away without looking back. The blanket moved slightly, a nudge. Then the crying started. I looked away.

"Why do you show me this princess?" I asked Luna.

"Because you must understand what they have been through. Would you like to see more?"

"To be honest, no. Not like this."

"Tommorow night Arlo, I will show you what happened to Digital and Messy and Skye."

I woke up in an instant. Night time. Messy's floor on a sofa. I looked around. Digital was asleep accidentally cuddling Messy, Blackheart and Skye were talking in hushed tone. Blue Flame stood by the window, he had taken off his box. I got up and trotted over too him.

"Hey." I said, looking at his stern face. He didnt speak.

"I know what you have been through Blue Flame."

"Kotov..." He started. "You better know what your doing." He said, smiling at me and putting his hoof on my shoulder.

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