Blueprints of an Idea

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As the morning came, Messy, Digital, Blackheart, Blue Flame, Skye and I left early. We had to leave early because the building was getting evicted. I was tired, struggled with getting back to sleep; I kept seeing what Luna had shown me. I will admit it gave me sympathy for Blackheart and Blue Flame. The two I trusted the most. As we got in the elevator, I could see Skye and Blackheart still chatting and grinning like crazy, occasionally looking over at the rest of us and smirking.

"Naive Children." Muttered Blue Flame, box now on his head.

"Yeah..they have been talking all night." Agreed Messy.

"You were awake?" Said Digital, eyes wide. I grinned as I remembered the scene of Digital cuddling Messy.

"Um.." she replied.

As the bell rang and the door opened and we stepped out, Messy leaned in close and whispered.

"Saved by the bell!"

We had decided to go back to Blackheart's apartment. Everywhere else wouldnt be safe. My place bugged, Digital's club could be infiltrated. Probably the best course of action. We agreed we wouldn't talk about Advocite until we arrived. If this guy had such a reputation how come I hadnt heard of him? I still had alot of questions. Something I was actually realising was that I hadn't really been missing my somepony. I was more amazed by the new 'friends' I had made. They were all so differant. I had forgotten about my guilt. Sidetracked.

Once we arrived at Blackheart's everypony immediately made themselves at home. Messy chucked off a backpack she was wearing, filled with all the things she had kept from her skyscraper. She threw it at the couch and slumped next to it, wings lazily open.

"Here we are." Said Blackheart as she took the key out of the door and shut it after we had all entered. I went and sat on the couch next too Messy and shut my eyes. I was exhausted. Blackheart and Skye went over to the kitchen and Blue Flame stood awkwardly in the middle. Not sure what to do.

"Does anypony want anything?" Blackheart yelled from the kitchen.

"No thanks." Messy and I said in sync. Blue Flame didnt say anything and walked over too the windows. I took out my packet of cigarettes and lit one, letting the smoke drift into the air.

"Messy, do you think my somepony is still alive?" I asked.

"Me? Um..truthfully?" She replied.

Messy let out a long breath and stretched one of her peach wings around my body. She looked me in the eyes with large, green iris'.

"No I do not think she is alive. I think she was abducted, raped, beaten, left for dead in a cargo container most likely. He expects you to deliver all this stuff for him, then he will probably kill you too. He relies on his reputation to get ponies to do what he wants, which is good for you then."


"Because you hadn't heard of him until a few days ago!" She laughed and then picked up a magazine on the table. I let out a nervous chuckle. Digital had now sat down on the couch opposite us and was lying there, back legs spilling off one end. He was fairly tall, and his fairly large horn helped to this statistic.

"So what are we going to do?" He asked.

I let out a sigh.

"Well what can we do? Apparently he has people everywhere, a reputation that terrifies people, and no one challenges him."

"Elements of harmony?" Skye joked from the kitchen.

Digital, Messy and I all turned with unamused looks on our faces. Even Blue Flame, who raised his box revealing his unamused expression, before putting it back on again.

"Okay a serious answer." I said.

"Well, where is the one place Advocite actually appears?" Said Blackheart, coming over and sitting in the space Digital had left.

"The shipments." Digital said, realising what Blackheart was suggesting.

"Exactly. He has to arrive personally to let his reputation seep amongst the other buyers. His 'goons' can't really give off the same aura as he can, so he arrives personally. He tends to buy the biggest selection and best quality stuff and then leaving; he gets the first pick."

"Right." I said. "So what do we do with that?"

"Well." Blackheart started. "Two things. We could either by what you needed to create a deal, or attempt to kill him."

"Or both." Added Digital.

I considered this. Then a question popped into my mind. Why? Why was he doing this to me? I was just an ordinary pony, nothing special.

"What would it be easier to do?" I asked.

Blue Flame came and stood over us, as did Skye.

"Well no doubt Advocite is well protected, and he probably knows who you are and what you look like." Said Messy.

"But buying the drugs would need some heafty amounts of cash, and all mine is left at No.64" said Digital.

"Messy has alot of money.." Said Skye shyly.

"Well lets put it two a vote." I said. "Everypony who wants to buy the drugs and make a deal raise your hoof."

Slowly, Digital and Skye raised their arms.

"And everypony who wants to kill him, put up your hooves."

Around me, Blue Flame, Blackheart and Messy raised their arms.

"So be it."

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