Playing with Fire

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It was around 6:00 when Digital arrived. Blackheart and I had spent the time talking while Blue Flame had left. Turns out Blackheart was more sensitive than I though about certain subjects. With enough persuading, she told me about her life, her childhood and any other important factors. I did feel guilty though, on two fronts. Not only was I not doing my job of protecting the city, but I was having mixed feelings for Blackheart. I felt my feelings coil inside, like a serpent, waiting to strike. I used all my might to keep it calm though. I kept my thoughts solely on my somepony.

When Digital arrived, he kicked open the doors with high spirits. Large headphones were blasting glitch hop and flying in the air above him were four large pizza boxes, held aloft by magic.

"Everypony relax cos I'm here and I've got the pizzas!" He yelled.

"Heya Digital!" Blackheart chirped, standing up.

Was I glad to see him? I didnt know. I felt slightly sad that Blackheart's attention was no longer on me.

"How's everypony doing?" Asked Digital.

"Am good thanks, yourself?" Said Blackheart. She walked over and took the pizzaz out of the air. Digital trotted over, with dubstep blaring, to the space where Blackheart and I had been standing.

"Awful. Traffic was a nightmare. Long queue at the fucking pizza place. And now I am stuck here in this dump."

He knocked over punch bag and sat on it.

"Oi! Flamey! Grub's up ya wanker!" Digital yelled.

"Hi Digital.." I started.

"Heya Arlo. How's your planning coming along?"

"'s uh..good yea-" I said.

"Thats great." Digital interrupted.

Suddenly, Blue Flame poked his head around a slot machine, the box still on his head. The smiling face drawn on the front of it stared blankley at us.

"How do you know me?" Asked Blue Flame.

"Blackheart 'ere sent me a message." He pointed to Blackheart, who sat down on the punch bag with him. "She told me about you and how you can be useful. She also told us the next bit of the plan."

I took one of the boxes from Blackheart and opened it. The smell of hot cheese and dough filled my nose as I gazed apon a pepperoni pizza, still bubbling. I grinned. I had barely eaten today. Not that it mattered. I picked up a slice and bit into it, cheese stringing from the end to the rest of the pizza.

"I got two pepperonis, one plain cheese and a ham and pineapple for Flamey." Laughed Digital. "Because it's fucking wrong. Alot like what he is doing."

Without a moments pause, Blue Flame dashed straight past me and kicked Digital in the chest. Blackheart and I stood up in alarm.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut you unworthy peice of shit." Spat Blue Flame.

Digital laughed at this and pulled himself up. He shrugged and bounced up and down on the floor. Blue Flame stood motionless, completely still. How did he even see put of that box?

"At least I have the guts to show my face, not cower away in fear and hide my face in a box." Said Digital, grinning like crazy.

Blue Flame lunged at Digital, but I stopped him just in time, restraining him inbetween my front legs from behind.

"Guys!" Yelled Blackheart. "The fuck got into you?!"

I pulled Blue Flame back and he stayed still, anger brewing side him like a concoction.

"If you can just get along for the next couple of weeks we can all go back to our lives. " I explained. "If we then topple advocite and get my somepony back then you two can go back to doing whatever the hell it is that you do."

Blue Flame growled and snatched the pizza. He sat down on the floor next to me.

"So we are off to get Messy next then?" I said.

"Yeah..Although we need to wait until it is dark." Said Digital.

"Why?" I said.

"Cos if he takes one step out of his hidey-hole in daylight he will get arrested." Said Blue Flame.

Digital shot a mean look at Blue Flame.

"Look, we need to go to where she currently is. She is Digital's biggest buyer of drugs in the city. She can help." Said Blackheart.

"If we bribe her." Added Digital.

"You will do this. This will be our chance at casting off the advocite for the good of our city." Said Blue Flame.

"Yup. Means I can sell more." Joked Digital.

I could feel Blue Flame tense up next to me.

"Relax, if we can all just keep calm and do this then we will be fine." I said to him. I will admit I was scared. What was happening was dangerous. But I saw thrill in it. Perhaps we could succeed after all.

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