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"He calls himself the Advocite for a reason." Started Blackheart. She had calmed down now, and I help her hoof in mine to stop her lossing it again.

"He advocates chaos and suffering. Why? Well, he has his reasons..yet again he also does not. Do you remember Discord? The embodiment of chaos incarnate? Well it is abit like that. He does it to wreak havoc across the city. He told me it was for a point. That point was to show how broken the government was, that he can go and do this and no one would stop him..."

"Hang on..what do you mean 'he told me'" I interrupted.

"I have met him before." She looked away, her green eyes reflecting the lights. She then turned, staring.

"Look here Arlo, you are about to enter a world full of the most violent and disgusting ponies that ever lived. Before I tell you anything I need to know. Why do you want him?"

I stopped. Fear flooded through me. I shut my eyes and slouched in my chair.

"He took my somepony..and I want to get her back.."

I looked back up at Blackheart. She had an odd expression on her face.

"Im so sorry Arlo."

"Its fine. Just tell me what you know so I can be on my way."

Blackheart pursed her lips together and she looked like she was trying to figure out what to say. She put her other hoof on mine and said

"Alright. But I warned you. This place ain't nice. Alright."

She took a quick sip of her drink and looked around. The white pony at the DJ turntables was nodding his head and pumping his hoof in the air as the bass dropped. She looked back and took in a breath.

"I was a contract killer, I used to kill ponies for money. It all happened a year ago. I was given a note. It told me to kill somepony, and if I didnt my life would become terrible. I just ignored it at first..but then one day the police arrived an arrested me. When I asked what for, they said I had blown up some buildings downtown when I hadnt. I had been framed.I was going to be imprisoned for life, but I bribed the judge. I got away with only one year. What the prisoners did to me.." she stopped. Rape and abuse were common in prisons, and I doubt a good looking pony like Blackheart would get away without any comotion.

"But when I got back to my apartment, the note was there. Telling me to kill somepony. I did it this time. I was not going back to prison. Then my career hit off. I was a hitpony. Advocite has ruined my life. It can never go back to how it was. I have only met him once, and even then I didnt see him. It was in a dark room. He talked to me. Told me how he was proud of me. I almost believed him. Until he put a gun to my head.."

She drooped her head and her ears go floppy.

"He then said he had no use for me. I managed to escape him, but he still sends ponies after me. They wont touch me though. Not while Im still lethal.."

"Is that why that pony downstairs left me alone?"

"Mhm. They are abit scared of me."

I paused. I took out the note I was given by the pony in the hoodie. I put it on the table and slid it over to her. She picked it up and read it.

"One of his goons gave me this." I said as she read it.

"Oh god...I'm sorry Arlo. He wants you to get this stuff for him."

I was silent. I had no idea what to say.

"And how would I do that?" I asked.

"How would we do that is a better question." She smiled over me.

"Lucky for you, if somepony hurts you, chances are they have hurt others too. Your new to this world. Luckily..I know some ponies who aren't and want to hurt Advocite as much as you do."

I couldnt help smiling. This sounded good. But was I getting involved in a mob activity?

"You see him?" She pointed at the DJ. "His name is Digital. Distant relations to Vinyl Scratch. He used to own the whole downtown drug buisness, selling them in clubs. Now all he owns is this one. Advocite took them all from him."

I looked at Digital. He was a white unicorn, with a striped red and black mane.

"Not bad..anypony else?"

"There is another pony, he calls himself Blue Flame. No one knows his real name. He is takes the law into his own hooves, abit like a vigilante, but mainly for his own personal gain. Got into trouble with Advocite a while ago. He has been plotting his revenge ever since."

" I see. How do we find him?"

"Leave that to me." She winked.

"Finally there is messy. She used to be high up in the financial district of the city, but after turning too cocain she has become mad. Advocite destroyed her company from the inside out, now she used drugs to get away. She is semi-recovering, but young, so it is uncertain. She could make a valuble ally in all this."

"So an assassin, a DJ, a vigilante and recovering drug addict? Hardly the power ponies, but it will do."

"We are gonna get her back Arlo. I promise." She said in her calm, soothing voice. She must've seen the sadness in my eyes. I smiled at her.

"I hope so."

She stood up.

"This place closes at two. We can talk to Digital then. See if he is interested."

"Sounds good."

She walked towards the door and opened it.

"Oh and Arlo!"


"Dont get too pissed.."

She giggled as she shut the door and left me on the balcony.

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