Digital's ride

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Once all the pizza had been finished, we got ready to leave. It was now dark, and the moon shone brightly. It was around 10:30. When we opened the door I felt the cold air hit me like a car into a wall. Parked on the street, was a grand carriage, made of mahogany and pulled by two of Digital's workers. I let out a breath and shivered as I saw the mist rise to eye level. Digital trotted over to the carriage and opened the door.

"Right, come on everypony, get in." He sang.

Blackheart walked forwards. She had seemed abit down during the meal, but was reluctant to get out of the cold. I followed her inside. Inside it was cramped, but cosy. Blackheart lay down on one of the soft leather benches at either side, all legs in the air.

I sat down oposite her and looked back at the door. Blue Flame was protesting.

"I refuse to get in a vehicle owned by you. I'd rather fly." He said.

"Fine by me." Retaliated Digital as he climbed on top and took the reins. Blue Flame spread his wings and shot off into the sky faster than a jet. Then the sound of hooves against concrete was heard and we slowly moved forwards in motion.

As we moved forwards we picked up speed. The ride was comfortable to an extent, cushioned as best as possible. I could hear Blackheart shivering. It was dark, however, every now and then the interior of the carriage was illuminated with yellow-orange light from street lights.

"Are you cold?" I asked Blackheart.

"Just a little bit." She confirmed.

I shut my eyes and concentrated. There was a sparkling sounds and a red blanket covered in blue mist appeared before me. I lay it down on Blackheart and she snuggled into it.

"Thanks." She said, unamused.

"Mind if I ask a question?" I said.

"Sure." She said in an unamusing tone.

"Um..Im not exactly sure how to say this, so I will just say it." I started. "You got assaulted, are you okay?"

There was silence. Blackheart had looked away. I thought I could hear her sobbing, maybe it was something else.

"Im fine." She said, turning over so she faced the other way. I let out a sigh. I got out of my chair and sat next to her, sitting in the gab she left at the end.

"I have worked with assault victimes before." I said. "They usually get very upset about it. But you seem to display no emotion at all. That would suggest something is seriously wrong."

Blackheart didnt move for a while. Eventually though, she sat up, blocking her eyes. She put her legs and wings around me and started crying and moaning. Tears rolled down her face as she rested her head on my chest. I put my arm around her, feeling sorry. She let out a loud sad moan and held me tighter.

" many times...its just...nothing..speci.." She didnt finish her sentience.

"Shhh..shhhshhhshhhh" I said, trying to comfort her. I could feel her warm tears on my neck.

"Im..Im..sorry Arlo..." she stuttered between breaths.

It made me sad to see her upset, but I tried to stay strong.  I patted her back twice and let her hold onto me as we slowed down.

I hadnt bothered to look out the windows, but while we had been doing this we had arrived in the financial district of the city. Tall buildings stood facing us on each side, as if they were proving that they were better than us by being bigger.

"Everypony out!" I heard Digital yell from outside. I proped Blackheart up and wiped a tear from her eye. She smiled at me and I opened the door. When Blackheart and I left the carriage we were bathed in light from over head street lights.

"Where is Blue Flame?" Asked Blackheart, rubbing her eyes. Just like that he appeared, shooting down from the ground and breaking the stone slab he landed on. He looked up slowly, wings out stretched. Digital turned, unamused.

"Messy will be in this building here, on the top floor." Said Blackheart.

"Like a penthouse?" I questioned.

"Kind of. She stays at the top because no one bothers her. She can do whatever she wants up there." Replied Blackheart.

"So how do we get in?" I said, noticing the two ponies in shades and suits at the revolving doors.

"Capitalists.." I heard Blue Flame mutter.

"Mate." Digital said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Leave that to me." He winked as he held up two packets of white powder in the air with his magic.

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