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So it was decided. We would go to find Advocite, and force him to tell us where my somepony was. Then I would leave them be. Blue Flame and Digital had workered together to craft a plan. However, when we left Blackheart's apartment guilty thoughts crossed my mind. I had been sad yes, but part of me was slightly relieved. Her constant cello playing was slightly annoying, but she was good at it, so who could blame her? Depression was a feeling I was no stranger too, but now I barely knew what it was. I felt like I was being pulled apart in two directions. It was horrible.

The plan was simple enough. Digital would go in for his shipment, find Advocite, lure him away where Blue Flame would then restrain him. We then would get him somewhere (hadn't been decided yet) and then force him to tell us where my somepony is. I would then leave Advocite to the rest of them. Pretty straightforwards.

I will be honest with you, I didn't have alot of faith it would work. And as we got on the train to the Manehatten Harbour, I could feel guilt and general down radiating from me. Digital, Messy, Skye, Blue Flame, Blackheart and I sat in the six seats across from each other. Apart from a few other ponies, we were the only ones in the compartment.

"What's up with you?" Asked Messy, sitting next to me.

I sighed. "Im not sure. I guess I just don't really think it will work."

Skye and Blue Flame both chuckled.

"That makes two of us." Said Blue Flame, box shaking on his head.

"Well, it is the only chance we have so." Said Blackheart.

"Only chance?" I said.

"Well yeah." She continued. "If Digital cocks it up, then Advocite will know of our intentions and buy his drugs somewhere else."

"No pressure." Joked Messy to Digital, who had been silent the whole time.

We said nothing for a while, just listening to the train thunder down the tracks. Eventually, it was Skye who started to talk again.

"Does anypony remember the elements of harmony?"

"Um. Vaguely." Said Blackheart.

"What were they? The only ones I can remember are laughter and kindness."

"I am pretty sure honesty might have been one." Added Blue Flame.

"Magic?" Said Digital with uncertainty.

"Laughter, kindness, magic and honestly. There were two more, weren't there?" Said Skye.

"Loyalty?" I said, looking at my cutiemark of a shield in a wreath.

"Yeah." Agreed Messy. "I think the other might have been happiness or generosity."

"What does it matter." Spoke Digital.

"Well, it is the basis for all good friendships." Said Skye.

"Well if we were all elements what would we be?" Asked Blackheart.

"I think Messy would be laughter." Said Skye. "Blue Flame would be loyalty. You would definitely be generosity. I think Arlo might be kindness?"

"Pfft." Came Digital's response.

We were all silent again as we went through a tunnel. Pulling to another stop I shut my eyes. I didn't really want to be here. A few ponies got on and then we started off again.

"Do you remember the changlings?" Said Blackheat, sensing the awkward silence.

"Oh my god yes! They were soo cute!" Yelled Messy.

"Really?...the wings creeped me out." said Blackheart, wrapping herself in her own wings.

It was then a large grey stallion stepped up to Digital, who was busy looking out the window.

"Hey." He said. "Your the one who fucked my girlfriend."

I turned, looking down the compartment where he had come from. The top of a mare's head, deep blue stared back before diving below the seats.

Digital turned, tired.

"Who was she again?" He said warily.

The stallion picked Digital up by his horn.

"You need some fucking manners."

As he swung with his hoof, Digital shifted his body, ducking almost, but the blow hit him in the side of the face. He let put a quick yelp of pain as the grey pony picked him up again.

"Im sorry there have just been so many!" Said Digital, joking. The stallion pulled his arm back, and attempted to swing forwards, but he couldn't. Blue Flame was holding his bicep in an iron grip.

"And you need to fuck off." He said calmly before pulling the stallions arm backwards and hitting him in back. The crack of the spine was heard as he fell to the floor, arching his back in agony.

"Amateurs" muttered Blue Flame as Digital patted him on the back. The grey stallion lay moaning in agony as the train slowly started to hault. I was opened mouthed. Digital and Blue Flame hated each other, yet they defended each other. Friendship? No. Not in times like these. When we got off the train one thought stuck in my mind; were these my friends?

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