Blackheart's Domain

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We arrived at Blackheart's apartment around 1:30am. It hadn't started raining yet, but the sky looked constipated, ready pour down its contents at any minute. Blackheart opened the door to the building and once inside shivered to warm herself. It was cold out. The pegasi hadnt been doing their jobs of keeping the skies cloud-free. They had gone on strike, and as a result the skies had become incredibly violent, dark clouds descending on the city like smokestacks, thunder roaring like a feral beast and rain bombarded buildings and drenched all who all dared to  go outside in such turbulent times. Together we climbed up the stairs, our hooves clopping against the concrete. When we reached the fourth floor she opened her wing and produced a set of keys. They clanged as she thrust them into the lock. With a quick flick of her hoof the door swung open. She stood aside and gestured with the other hoof to enter. I trotted in and smiled as I looked around. The room was big and well lit. In one half of the room was a large TV facing a large comfy sofa and serveral seats. In the other half was a kitchen, filled with neat contrasting cabinets and storage units. In between the two was a corridor with two closed doors. The floor was covered in exotic detailed rugs and many pictures hung from the walls. The strong smell of tea was thick in the air.

"Well here we are. I know it ain't much but make yourself at home!" She said cheerfully as she followed me in and shut the door then walked over to the kitchen.

"Tea?" She asked as she flicked on the kettle.

" thank you." Came the reply. I was tired and it was late. My experience at the club had left me bewildered and wiped out. The kettle started to hiss loudly and steam streamed from the nuzzel like a reverse waterfall.

"Well, if you go and sit on the couch I'll will get you a blanket." She said happily. She talked down the corridor and opened the door on the right. I watched as her tail swung from side to side. I then went and sat on the sofa. It was so comfy. I felt the felt grooves as I sank deeper and let my head rest against the top. I let out a long sigh. I didnt want to move. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the kettle.  I heard thuds coming towards me and next thing I knew somepony and chucked a rolled up red blanket and a white pillow at me.

"Heads up." I heard Blackheart say with a giggle as she walked over to the kettle. She has changed now. She was wearing a dark grey hoodie with her wings poking out the back. The long sleeves almost covered her hooves. I observed as she poured the water into a white china mug with a purple floral pattern on it. She dipped a red teabag in a couple of times and removed it, putting it in a small bin on the counter. She picked up the mug and sat beside me on the couch, tucking her limbs very close. She sipped her tea quietly, as I put the pillow at one end of the sofa.

"Its a nice place." I started.

"Thanks. I bought it with some savings I had. I planned to get away from it all. But I bought this place and made it all homely" came the reply.

"Thank you for letting me stay here the night."

"No problem! Thank you for trusting me."

"Well two ponies got to stick together, eh?"

Blackheart laughed, then sipped her tea again. The vapour rising from the cup smelt like rasberries and it was intoxicating.

I smiled when I heard her laugh. I unfolded the blanket and put it on my legs.

"Blue Flame isnt really a vigilante." Blackheart said, out of the blue. "He is more of a gangster who used to beat up criminals but now does it for his own personal reasons. He wears a box over his head. I dont really know why. But he does it anyway."

"Abit odd." I muttered as I patted down the soft fabric of the blanket.

"Sorry, you must be tired. I should let you sleep." Said Blackheart. She looked around the room, as if to check if anyone was watching. She then moved in forwards and kissed me on the cheek.

"Night Arlo."

She stood up and turned the lights off, then headed down the corridor and into one of the rooms - presumably a bedroom. I smiled to myself and lay down on the sofa. I starred up at the ceiling, light from the open windows shining blue light into the room.

"Night Blackheart" I whispered. I was confused. Did I have feelings for Blackheart? I tried not think about it. Enough was going through my head already. I closed my eyes and yawned loudly. I let my tail droop off the sofa and before I knew it I was asleep.


I was awoken in the night by a shuffling sound. I was still exhausted, but I could make out a figure coming towards me. I kept my eyes open, but my eyelids were heavy. I heard a voice coming from the shadows.

"Im sorry Arlo...I had a bad dream.." I heard Blackheart say in a hushed tone. I hummed in reply, to tried to comprehend what was happening. I felt her get on to the sofa next to me and get under the blanket. Her hooves stayed by her side but she wrapped her wings around my body, putting her head on my chest. She let out a breath and closed her eyes, and I did the same. Unaware of what was happening, I fell back to sleep.


When I awoke, I found that Blackheart was gone. The smell of coffee was wafting through the apartment and I could her somepony singing. I rubbed my blue eyes and sat up, proping myself against the sofa. I assumed Blackheart was in the shower and I swung my legs round, hooves barely touching the floor. I put my head in my front hooves. Is what happened last night a dream? When Blackheart crawled in with me? Must be. I got up and folded up the blacket. I stood up. I heard the singing stop and Blackheart came out of one of the rooms with her mane in a white towel and her back legs and tail in another towel.

"Morning" She chirped as she went into the kitchen, completly oblivious to the fact she was half naked.

"Um, morning." I said, staring. I watched as she took a mug out of a cuboard and poured a coffee into it from a machine in the corner.

"So today we are gonna track down Blue Flame. I think I know where he may be." She began.

"Sorry, you do realise your not wearing much?"

Blackheart looked down at herself.

"Meh" she hummed. She then looked back up. "Why? Is it too distracting?"

"Not at all."

"Good." She smiled to herself. "Now, from what I understand he is hiding somewhere in the poorer side of town. We could go see him and ask if he would help us."

"Unlikely" I muttered, lighting a cigarette.

"Hm." Came the reply. "Well if you give me a minute, I will get ready and go."

"Fair enough" I said as I let out a breath of grey smoke. I waved my hoof around the air to disperse it as I watched Blackheart walk back up the corridor. I noticed she hadnt taken the coffee with her.

"Its for you!" She then shouted down the corridor. I smiled. She certainly was a character.

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