The Blue Flame

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I awoke on the train to Blackheart gently nudging me.

"Get up" She muttered. "We're here."

  Was happy to see her. More than usual. Luna had made a point. I was split in two, between Blackheart and my somepony. I smiled at Blackheart, and she smiled back. I then noticed my head was on the chair opposite, and she was leaning over me.

" go?" I suggested.

Blackheart giggled. She stood up and looked towards the exit. I blinked my eyes to try and awaken myself.

"Take your time will ya?" Blackheart joked.

I smiled again and stood up myself, my mane now standing up on the side I had been lying down. As I walked over to the exit I felt the blood rush to my head, and the sense of nausea clouded my vision. When it finally passed I found myself standing next to Blackheart on a deserted station, poorly lit and conditioned. Walking forwards as the train screamed away, we made our way towards the stairs, and started trotting upwards.

By the time we got to the fifth flight of stairs we were exhausted. Blackheart had given up walking and was now hovering along the ground, white wings spread out like a statue. I however, had to walk, and 1145 steps had taken their toll. We were only five flights away from the surface, but it seemed like a mile.

"Why dont you like, teleport or something? Im pretty sure unicorns can teleport." Said Blackheart, looking down at me from above.

"Its not that need alot of training to do that, and it requires alot of magic. I use simple spells at the best of times, you know, telekinesis, biomancy, a small bit of pyromancy. Nothing special, just what helps me get by." I replied, still,trudging up the stairs.

"Whats biomancy?" Asked Blackheart.

"Biomancy is the manipulation of organic tissue. You know, growing moustaches, increasing your strenght, stuff like that."

"And pyromancy?"

"Use of fire. I mainly use it as a way of lighting though."

"There is alot of stuff unicorns can do that other races can't."

"Meh. It all depends on what career you take and how much studying you do. For example, I am a detective, I do not require as much magical as say a teacher or a alchemist."

"Interesting" muttered Blackheart.

The streets of the poorer district of Manehatten were alot differant to the rest of the city. The buildings here were smaller, shorter, and it could be compared to a slum in someways. Most crime happened here. It was easy to see why; living in such a place could drive anypony to a life of drug abuse or worse. The sheer amount of litter and trash was one thing, and the state of the place was something else. As Blackheart and I left the subway up the final flight of stairs I was expecting to be in the shade of a large building, only to find the opposite. The sun had come up now, bursting its way through the clouds. It was warmer than usual. Perhaps Celestia had gone off in one of her moods.

Ignoring that, I set about following Blackheart, she was leading me to wherever the Blue Flame guy is. Trotting down the streets, our hooves made the familiar clopping sound as we walked past a pony wearing a sign saying 'THE END IS NEAR' as he was preaching.

"Sometimes I feel sorry for these off what they can find..but its these people who cause the panic." I heard Blackheart say as I turned my head to look at the preacher.

"He is probably just somepony who isn't right in the head." I replied, turning away from him.

We turned down another path at a crossroad and walked past a shop covered in sale signs. Two unicorns were outside, one gray and the other navy blue. They were both wearing black jackets and trousers, and were busy talking. They briefly looked over, then continued talking. I briskly trotted up to Blackheart, noticing I had fallen back slightly.

"I don't like the look of them." I said.

"Oh Arlo, you need to start trying not to assume things."


We continued down the path, houses were on our right across the road, and the alleyway inbetween two shops to our left. Suddenly I felt my hooves become locked in place, as if held by cement. I couldnt move. I tripped forwards and face planted head first into the slabbed pavement. I noticed Blackheart had done the same. I looked back at my hooves and gasped as I saw a red mist shimmering around them; magic. Before I fully knew what was happening, Blackheart and I were tossed into the alleyway. I got up and helped Blackheart to her hooves. When I turned to see who had done this the two unicorns were standing in the end of alley, shadows making then silhouettes. I could see yellow mist holding a knife in the air above the one on the left. The moved slowly, intimidating. They were feeding off our terror. The one with the knife moved towards me and and the other one pushed Blackheart against a wall with his magic. I raised my hooves a sign of surrender.

"Look here we don't want any trouble." I began.

"Shut up." Said the unicorn with a knife.

The unicorn who was with Blackheart moved in close to her and grinned maliciously.

"Fuck off!" I yelled at him.

"Ay, mate, you better watch your tone." Said the unicorn with the knife, moving it closer to my neck. I wanted to hurt them, but if I moved I would have my throat cut. Suddenly a figure stood at the entrance of the alley, looking down. His head was square for some reason, lacking ears or a face.

"Move along pal, whats going on 'ere dont concern you." Said the unicorn. The square-headed pony refused to take a step back, instead he whipped out his hoof and a long black rod extended from it; a nightstick.

The unicorn dropped Blackheart's head and she fell to the floor. The square-headed pony spoke, a strong, deep voice with a sense of reason.

"You need to get your act together before you does something that upsets me." He said.

"Who the fuck are you?" Asked one of the unicorns.

"Who am I?" He smiled. "I am the voice of reason...I am the Blue Flame."

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