Boxed Up

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Before any of us knew what was happening, the Blue Flame had dashed forward and hit one of the unicorns in the side of the head with his nightstick. The unicorn stumbled backwards as the Blue Flame then hit him in the back of the head with his hoof. The unicorn collapsed into a pile on the floor. I dashed over to Blackheart to see if she was okay. She had her eyes screwed shut. I grabbed one of her legs and forced her up. I turned back to the Blue Flame. The unicorn with the knife was left, and he was slowly advancing towards him, a confident smile on his face. The Blue Flame charged, outstreaching wings and lifting off the ground slightly. Right before he made contact and the knife would have gone through him, he stopped and forced his wings unto their sides. A powerful gust of wind blew down the alley, knocking the unicorn of his feet. The knife flew into the air, and the Blue Flame went to catch it. He grabbed it in his hoof and flew straight downwards, the knife plunging into the chest of the unicorn. Blood splattered across my face and on the walls. It stained the white of the Blue Flame's coat and his oddly shaped head. Now that he was closer, I saw that it wasn't his head at all. It was a box with a smiley face drawn on it. Blood splattered the edges of the brown paper and I noticed his short blue tail for the first time. I turned back to Blackheart as I heard her panting.

"Blue Flame..we need your help..." she said inbetween breaths.

His neck turned to face us quicker than a bullet fired from a gun.

"Why should I help you?" Came his answer.

"It's about advocite."

The Blue Flame froze. He shivered slightly. It was clear he had had a history with this pony.

"I do not wish to discuss such a pony in something as beautiful as daylight." He then said, straightening up.

"What the fuck?" I muttered under my breath.

Blackheart sighed.

"Please help us." She said.

The box on the Blue Flames head stayed motionless, as if he was considering something.

"We shall not talk of him here. Let us leave this place." Blue Flame said stubbornly. And with that he stood up and left. He walked down the alleyway, but when he reached the end he turned.

"Blackheart, who is that?"

Blackheart opened her mouth to speak, but I interrupted.

"My name is Arlo Kotov, and I am trying to hurt advocite."

The Blue Flame sneered.

"Very well Kotov. I may be able to help you. Follow me."

We followed the Blue Flame through the streets of the poorer district of Manehatten. We must have walked for only a short while, because we were at our destination relatively quickly, but due to the maze of the district, it seemed like we had walked along way. As we walked, some ponies stared at the Blue Flame, but others ignored him. Perhaps people had just gotten used to him.

The building we now faced was a a large abandoned gym of some kind. A theatre perhaps. Bare brick walls were stained with ash and boarded windows suggested the same. Blue Flame lead us into the building. Past the heavy wooden doors, a white and black chequered floor spread out across the whole place. We were in some kind of reception, a large table spread out at the opposite of the room we were in. Benches stood next to doorways on either sides and old newspapers and such were scattered everywhere.

"This place used to be a popular show bulding, you know, abit of a casino, abit of a gym. You could essentially whatever you wanted." Said the Blue Flame.

"What happened to it?" Asked Blackheart.

"Some kid came in, knocked one of the betting machines. It caught fire and the whole place started to burn. Luckily the WonderBolts got here before any real damage was caused, but the building was deemed unusable."

We walked through one of the doorways into the bulk of the room. Slot machines lined the ways, though many were turned off. In the centre was a large wrestling ring, with a punching bag and several mannequins. Looking up I saw a large glass chandelier, and wooden balconies on either sides. The place in general had an atmosphere of old.

"The building is actually going to be demolished in a few days, means I have to move." Sighed Blue Flame.

Suddenly he turned on his hooves, the box rustling.

"So Kotov. Tell me why I must help you."

Blackheart and I explained our situation. We told him about my somepony and how we were going to get her back, and Digital and how we need a few more ponies to help take down Advocite. "I see Kotov. And you were wondering if I would be willing to help."

"Sorry, can I use your computer? I have some e-mails to send." Interrupted Blackheart.

"Um, sure yeah." Said Blue Flame, the mood lightening.

Blackheart trotted off out of sight. I looked back at Blue Flame.

"The advocite hurt me in ways you cant imagine. So before I join you I must know if this is actually going to work."

"And how will you know that?"

"I want you fight me."

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